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Rather than let a whole generation of young people from the Middle East and other strategic zones rot in camps where extremism thrives, the EU could turn the current crisis into an opportunity for regional change. EuroNews Trevor Noah has slammed the double-standard between how African and Middle Eastern refugees are treated when fleeing to Europe in comparison to Ukrainians who are currently fleeing their country due to the Russian invasion. She told us that she shared the name of a family member in California, and then boarded a plane, believing she would be safe and with her family in the U.S. soon. During the 2015 refugee "crisis," the EU called for detaining arriving refugees for up to 18 months. That's what makes it so shocking. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. While refugees are humanitarian subjects primarily seeking protection, migrants are economic subjects, seeking better lives. In 2012, at the onset of the current refugee crisis, I interviewed young Afghan and African asylum seekers in Denmark who expressed frustration with their confinement in asylum centers in remote areas, which they felt prevented them from integrating with their host community. While the two categories are treated differently by law, in practice they are both asylum seekers. Here are some suggestions: To understand the real effects of migration on us and our country, we must rely on data (e.g., economic indicators and crime rates), not ideology. In addition, they found that every threat typeeven altruistic threat (concerns about the host countrys ability to care for refugees)was linked with negative views of immigration and refugees. Governments and civilians around the world have vocalized their support for Ukraine and opposition to Russia; therefore, the EU risks international backlash if it fails to absorb and aid millions of Ukrainian refugees. In 2014, Syrian and North African refugees poured into Greece, a country then not equipped to fulfill those treaty obligations. Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov recently drew a distinct line between the two groups, justifying differential treatment and fostering a sense of Ukrainian exceptionalism: Underscoring this justification is Islamophobia; Ukrainian refugees are primarily Christian, while refugees from Syria and North Africa are mostly Muslim. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? Albagir is given beatings, and the Maslovas are given bread. Identifying different types of threat and their association with emotional responses and attitudes towards refugee migration. The injunction also only applies to families, so single adults can continue to be removed. Others avoid registering for asylum, not for practical reasons but out of a sense of dignity. A further 133,000 have gone to Hungary, 72,000 to Slovakia, 51,260 to Romania, and nearly 98,000 . Contrarily, due to racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences, Europeans feel less sympathy for other refugees. They also found that eligible voters favored refugees with higher employability. The Refugee Act of 1980 amended the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, standardizing the process for admitting refugees into the United States. With blanket news coverage of the dire situation in Ukraine, Europeans are observing the situation of Ukrainians through this humanitarian lens and thus express greater support for them. In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. Examining these six threat types, researchers tried to determine if only one or two of them might explain hostility toward refugees just as well or even better than all six factors combined. But we could see White people going through. A Nigerian student added, Theyre pushing us back just because were Black!Were all humanThey should not discriminate against us because of the colour of our skin. Racism against POC fleeing Ukraine exposes differential treatment even among refugees fleeing the same conflict, suggesting that European solidarity is skin-deep. Al Jazeera journalist Virginia Pietromarchi notes, Bloody conflicts in Syria, Somalia, and other places have not received the wide-reaching international media coverageor urgent international government actionthat the invasion of Ukraine has inspired." Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog or a Crazy Dog? Contrarily, due to racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences, Europeans feel less sympathy for other refugees. In other words, the choice presented to the Lebanese people by . Syrian refugees desire to work speaks to a broader sentiment, shared by many asylum seekers, that employment matters more than protection. There were 89.3 millionpeople forcibly displaced world-wide at the end of 2021. (Capacity would be determined by population, GDP, unemployment rate and other factors.) The way we talk about conflicts can impact those who are already most directly affected by war, refugees. LIMBONG: Keshavarz points to Poland accepting Ukrainian refugees when not that long ago, the country was telling scores of Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis, no, the country's full. MAHDIS KESHAVARZ: I always kind of think this imagery of, like, this pearl clutch of being just aghast that something can happen in your backyard, where things are happening in other people's backyards all the time. Laitin also offers insight into how European Union (EU) policy is supporting a surge of refugees that the United Nations has described as the largest humanitarian crisis Europe has seen since World War II. Furthermore, semantics matter. The Dublin Convention has been divisive and especially difficult for Italy and Greece, which have struggled to accommodate migrants arriving by sea. EU leaders who focus on migration have mostly been concerned with arrivals from Africa, and they have pursued policies to deter these migrants. The Century Foundation takes your data security and privacy seriously. According to new research, many asylum seekers experience discrimination on the Swedish labor market. This crisis requires countries that are accepting refugees to have . In The Telegraph, Daniel Hannan wrote an article about Ukraine that led, they seem so like us. Several studies suggest the increase of an active work force will benefit the EUs GDP. Germany, for example, has suffered fromzero population growth for years and is in acute need of young, able-bodied workers to feed its massive industrial economy. Central American and Mexican refugees ask why they aren't being treated at the same level as . The European Parliament stresses in a report that even though Sweden offers low working restrictions for asylees, their labor market is inflexible and poorly adaptable to employees with different skills. When I called the Swedish immigration authorities (Migrationsverket) to verify this, their press person acknowledged that not many asylum seekers are working, but indicated that only few asylum seekers make use of the temporary work permits in the first place. Once granted refugee status in a host country, the state cant deport them. In addition, they pose a health threat because some refugees come from countries with comparably higher rates of certain diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, AIDS). Snohomish County couple providing relief to Ukraine amid Russia conflict. attempting to cross the Syria-Turkey borderis only the latest stark example of Turkeys inability to protect incoming migrants. Refugee The United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) defines refugees as those who have fled from conflict and persecution to seek protection in another country. But at the same time, the Biden administration has been quietly engaged in another series of evacuation flights, this time at our southern border. Meanwhile, work gains do not mitigate the fear many European politicians and citizens express over the long-term cultural impact migration inflow will have on the region. As anthropologist Miriam Ticktin has documented, some even infect themselves with deadly diseases to gain protection as HIV-positive patients and thereby gain residence. The Detail asks why they are treated differently to refugees coming in through the quota system? During the civil war, civilians were often purposefully caught in the crossfire between Assad and opposition forces; for example, in 2013, Assads forces waged chemical war against civilians, killing 1,400. Khoury, the researcher, says race plays a part in all of this but also proximity and geopolitics, too. Religious and other prejudices are often intertwined; the disparity between how the EU treats Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian refugees stems from Europeans empathy for Ukrainians and the othering of African and Middle Eastern refugees. Why refugees from Ukraine have been treated differently European countries haven't seen such a large number of displaced people in this short period of time in recent history. These two groups are treated very differently, however, due to the prevalent stereotypes that exist about them in society. A charity that helps refugees has said there is a big variation in how the UK helps people from different countries. To counter this trend, employers and NGOs in Sweden and Germany offer asylum seekers apprenticeships, training courses and special-track employment to help them adapt to the national labor requirements and enter the labor market faster. The 1953 Refugee Relief Act defined "refugee" (someone in a non-Communist country fleeing persecution), "escapee" (someone fleeing communism), and "expellee" (an ethnic German forced out of Eastern Europe). Barbed political rhetoric both reflects and exacerbates these trends among Europeans. The Supreme Court hears arguments today on President Bidens student loan forgiveness plan; John F. Cogan and Michael McConnell discuss their amicus brief opposing it. Describing them as 'refugees' would draw in a governance apparatus that today includes development actors. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. Those seeking security at our southern border should not be treated any differently. Since it was first implemented in March 2020, more than 1 million migrants and asylum-seekers have been turned away. Swiss Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter predicted that up to 50,000 people from Ukraine would arrive in the country before June to date, the highest number of war refugees to enter Switzerland in the 21st century. Addie Esposito is a staff writer and Senior Editor at the HIR. The Century Foundation. A recent report by Human Rights First documented at least 6,356 reports of kidnappings and attacks on asylum-seekers and migrants after they were turned away from the U.S. under Title 42. RANA KHOURY: We certainly do see it play out in terms of the politics of refugee reception in the idea of whose burden should it be to take refugees who are from the global South, the Middle East, Africa, versus, you know, who is welcome and who can be brought in here. As such, refugees are generally asylum seekers who have been granted the right to asylum in another country (refugee status). Not only did those member states threaten vital diplomatic relationships by placing the burden on their neighbors, but they also may have placed their own security at risk with their anti-immigration, borderline xenophobic policies. KESHAVARZ: And I think one very dangerous thing that we're seeing is - and it bears asking the question - is, have journalists become so desensitized to the suffering of different peoples of color, specifically people that are in war zones, that we're no longer seeing on the same level playing field? She says that's a pretty good sign of civilization. Data collected from three IPL projects shows that Muslim immigrants and refugees face higher levels of discrimination in Europe than those with a Christian heritage. Border patrol agent seen holding whip during encounter with Haitian migrants, the Biden administration has been quietly engaged in another series of evacuation flights, more than 1 million migrants and asylum-seekers, Biden immigration hypocrisy on full display as he tells Haitians fleeing chaos not to come, The United Nations refugee agency has expressed concern, Thousands of Afghan refugees await new homes in U.S. airbases, has 14 days to implement the court ruling, arrive without visas as humanitarian parolees, more than 123,000 people were safely flown out of Afghanistan, received medical screenings and access to vaccinations. At the end of March 2022, the Biden administration announced a commitment to resettle up to. KESHAVARZ: So as journalists, I think it's really critical that we look at that duality, and we question why that is. As of March 4, Canada has only resettled 8,580 of . More so, their action was a case study in poor strategic thinking. But research suggests some approaches can help communities successfully absorb all kinds of refugees Analysis by Claire. Other EU countries are now considering taking similar steps. Meanwhile, the Maslovas, a family from Ukraine, enjoy warm welcomes. In addition, they pose a health threat because some refugees come from. In fact, research from the European Parliament shows that the latest migration inflow has not increased unemployment, but rather led to a growth in higher-wage jobs for native workers, as refugees and migrants primarily take over low-wage jobs. In the first of these investigations, they used a sample of 55 male and 121 female psychology students (average age of 32 years). Media outlets therefore play a decisive role in how Europeans view asylum seekers. Many Syrians I spoke to last year in Lebanon and Jordan, where millions of Syrians have relocated, rejected registering as refugees in favor of living as migrants, stressing that they wanted to work and be self-sufficient rather than depend on aid. Tens of thousands of people have already crossed into. . If the U.S. can orchestrate a historic airlift of Afghan refugees in the midst of a pandemic, we cannot use Covid as an excuse to turn away those seeking protection at our southern border. 90 RB 0022). I thought about the tens of thousands of refugees fleeing Ukraine and the tens of thousands of refugees who have had to flee their homes in Central America, Mexico and other parts of Latin. First, the rules of the EUs Dublin Convention will not pose the same burdens. Guinean student Moustapha Bagui Sylla recalled, They stopped us at the border and told us that Blacks were not allowed. And the results again showed support for the six threat types. Eastern Europe is treating Ukrainians better than Syrians and Afghansbut giving people the means to resist is the only way to prevent future crises. Shooting, detaining, torturing, and executing protestors, Assad forcefully crushed pro-democracy protests during the Arab Spring. Is it a vague feeling of hostility or does it stem from specific unpleasant experiences or future worries? Until the EU extends these benefits to nonwhite, Muslim, Middle Eastern and African refugees, the bloc will not only be violating Article 3, but also the unwritten laws of basic human decency. It is not enough for them simply to stay alive. Social Issues and Policy Review, 11, 78-123. The arrival of Afghan refugees, including some whose status is not materially different from asylum-seekers, proves this. If there are too many refugees being housed in hotels, it's because the home office has been shown to be incapable of processing people quickly and letting them earn their own living. As political scientist Lamis Abdelaaty describes, Europeans see Ukrainians as White and Christian, similar to the way that many in European countries see themselves. Eastern Europeans are especially welcoming of Ukrainians, with whom they share a sense of fraternity; many people move around within Eastern Europe, so nationalities expand beyond each nations borders. Diplomas and qualifications have to be recognized by the national labor system, which depending on the level of education can take years. An additional . As more refugees entered Europe, detention increased, and former European Council President Donald Tusk even called for 18-month detention periods. Ibrahim. A mass exodus of Ukrainians risks overwhelming resources in neighboring countries even as Europe pledges to aid refugees fleeing Russia's invasion. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue) Reporters have documented dehumanizing treatment against international students from Africa, South Asia and the Middle East in Ukraine. The European Commission is considering reforms that ensure fair sharing of responsibility, including ending the Dublin Convention, but progress has been slow. The U.S. response to both crises should be guided by international law, our moral obligations and our history. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) stipulates that while refugees are humanitarian subjects primarily seeking protection, migrants are economic subjects, seeking better lives. Instead. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Rather than bringing people to safety via transit centers and, ultimately, to countries including the United States, these flights are sending vulnerable migrants and asylum-seekers back to danger returning them to the very places theyre fleeing. Landmann, H., Gaschler, R., & Rohmann, A. Therefore, the latter must contend with heightened xenophobia, and numerous studies evidence discrimination against Muslim asylum seekers. She previously worked as a Middle East Fellow at the Independent Diplomat Advisory Group and as an adviser at the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the UN. The International Monetary Fund has also urged the EU to lift labor restrictions on refugees and migrants, and reward employers for providing them employment. The UNHCR has warned that the conflation of refugees and migrants has politicized humanitarian work, but the distinction was political at the onset, as it prioritizes victims of physical violence over victims of structural and economic violence. Unfortunately, extremists and right-wing politicians alike have used the sensitive political climate to strike fear and tensions. As the European asylum system has effectively broken down amid the recent inflow, it is time for the EUs wealthier member states to rethink current practices. HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images. NPR's Andrew Limbong has more. Since being forced to wait one additional year for the asylum decisions lowers the probability of being employed by about 4.9 percentage points'' due to skills atrophy and demoralization, it is more difficult for non-Ukrainian refugees to integrate into the workforce. Although the Refugee Act of 1980 set an annual limit on refugee admissions, the law also authorized the President of the United . Currently, Ukrainians benefit from the unprecedented implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive, which allows Ukrainian refugees to reside, seek employment, and attend school in the EU for three years, no official asylum approval necessary. The U.S. government has committed to resettle tens of thousands of Afghan and Ukrainian refugees. Similarly, as many EU members have already acknowledged, it is neither fair nor sustainable to let Mediterranean frontier states such as Greece and Italy, already crumpling under financial debt, host the bulk of the incoming asylum seekers. Furthermore, it is important to help the public understand immigrants do not have to give up the core of their identity (in terms of cultures and traditions) to be able to follow the law, find jobs, contribute to society, and make friends with people of the host country. subscribe to Stanford Report. An anchor for Al-Jazeera English called Ukrainian refugees, quote, "middle-class people," in comparison to refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. But they may be misguided to see migration from Africa as their foremost challenge. According to the U.N.'s 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee is "someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion." The United States has been consumed with the mass evacuation and resettlement effort for vulnerable Afghans in the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. As neighboring countries let in Ukrainian refugees, Africans living and studying in Ukraine say they're facing discrimination at border crossings. Unlike Ukrainians, they must apply for asylum and wait for approval before seeking jobs. Anna is working with Michael Hanna and the rest of the foreign policy team as a member of the 2016 internship class on issues such as U.S. policy toward the Middle East and East Asia. As the opposition fragmented into various factions, terrorist groups exploited the chaos, targeting both Assads forces and civilians. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.npr.org for further information. infect themselves with deadly diseases to gain protection as HIV-positive patients. . U.S. authorities are dedicating extra resources to pick up the rate of flights in order to remove them more quickly, saying six to eight flights a day will depart starting Tuesday. Many cultures and religions have survived for hundreds and thousands of years partly because they are flexible enough to adapt and evolve. The impact of racism on refugee treatment is evident in how African, Middle Eastern, and Asian refugees fleeing Ukraine are treated. In the words of Al Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid, when white people commit terrorism this is seen as an individual act that does not represent the entire race. In Srebrenica in July 1995, towards the end of the 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbs massacred 8,000 Bosnian Muslims, a blatant act of genocide. A charity that helps refugees has said there is a big variation in how the UK helps people from different countries. While a federal judge on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing Title 42 for migrant families, the administration still has 14 days to implement the court ruling, and in any case is appealing the decision. At least 660,000 people have fled Ukraine in the five days following the start of Russia's invasion, the United Nations refugee agency U.N.H.C.R. 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why are refugees treated differently