why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?dennis uniforms great hearts

Besides, it mutated into septicemic and pneumonic forms, thus spreading even faster. The Waldenses, who were founded in 1170 by Peter Waldo claimed that individuals could commune with God directly, negating the need for priests. I soon realized thatpublic affairs combined the best of both worlds of journalism and television talk shows I get to learn interesting and unusual things about people who worked with me, I then get to tell their story. Wolves/dogs integrated themselves into society. Gregory's missionary zeal among the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons in England was the first step in a process that would culminate with Charlemagne's coronation in Rome on Christmas Day in AD 800.. At the same time Benedictine monks led by Augustine were sent to Kent to convert the pagan King Ethelbert and his people, other missionaries from . You can say that Im addicted to it. And each time it hit Europe again, it appears to have come from Asia. Cats dont generally take on rats. Some people even went as far as blaming. Missionary Activity under Pope Gregory the Great. Its also true that there was a pope at the time who was not a fan of cats, who banned them. However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. Which means that killing off the rats main predators was probably not the best idea. The plague spread so easily that everyone back in the medieval age believes that the plague transfer via smell and air. Pope Gregory IX became pope of the Catholic Church in 1227 and he wanted to kill cats. https://owlcation.com/humanities/Cats-and-the-Black-Plague, https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/06/ravens-memory-unfair-trade/, http://historycollection.co/thou-shalt-not-suffer-a-cat-to-live-why-pope-gregory-ixs-vox-in-rama-implicated-cats-in-devil-worship/, https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Vox-in-Rama-authentic-What-effects-did-it-have, https://academic.oup.com/ehr/article-abstract/CXXII/498/1075/457108/The-Black-Death-in-Egypt-and-England-A-Comparative?redirectedFrom=fulltext, https://www.britannica.com/event/Black-Death, http://www.kattenstoet.be/en/page/497-511/the-cat-throwing.html, https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/eight-witchcraft-myths/, https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/plague/factsheet.asp, Abee, Holle. Like, if I were to think of evil depictions on display in a museum, this would be one of them. Thou Shalt not suffer a Cat to Live: Why Pope Gregory IXs Vox in Rama Implicated Cats in Devil Worship. ), Then, in 1484, another pope, Innocent VIII, issued apapal bullthat condemned to death all cats and their human companions. Home; About; Contacts; Location; FAQ While I cannot say for certain that things didnt happen this way, there appear to be holes. What he did caused the persecution of domestic and stray cats for 500 years. Forgive us! says the master, and the one next to him repeats this, a third responding, We know, master! A fourth says And we must obey. 4, So whats up with this? Gregory based his theory on evidence from Conrad of Marburg, a papal inquisitor. A witch riding a broomstick with a black cat. We may still see the effects of the mass cat slaughter today: Its been suggested that the small black cat population in Europe today is a direct result of that breed being deemed particularly devil-like. This timeline stretched from 1346 to 1353, a little more than a century after Gregory. I am here because of a PBS documentary on cats that I saw recently. Although the explicit heretic activities mentioned within the Vox in Rama do mention something about our feline friend, this doesn't mean that Gregory IX endorse cathunt. But feline-human relations deteriorated sometime in the early 1230s (CE) when Pope Gregory IX issued a papal bull called Vox in Rama. Queen Elizabeth I celebrated her coronation with the burning of a cat-stuffed effigy. Remember: Egyptians were known for being cat lovers, and Asia is where cats originally came from. The bull called upon the bishops of Mainz and Hildesheim to lend Conrad their full support in rooting out these witches. The Nazcacat geoglyphwas only discovered last October. Pope Gregory IX initiated the feline holocaust in Europe which was to continue . Retrieved from https://owlcation.com/humanities/Cats-and-the-Black-Plague, Encyclopaedia Britannica. While I dont have any cats my allergist says owning a cat for me is worse for my lungs than chain smoking Ive long revered cats. While in power, Pope Gregory IX declared that cats were to be associated with devil worship and had them exterminated. They were pure evil seeking nothing but power & control of the population. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Ancient Peruvians may have been attracted to cats in a way similar to Egyptians. Cats were later blamed for the Black Death (13461352), though rats were actually the culprit. If these furry creatures association with fictitious international criminals isnt enough, cats also have been linked to witchcraft: In the Middle Ages, women who owned black cats came under suspicion as did the cats, who were assumed to bewitches in disguise and were burned at the stake. While there appears to be no evidence that Pope Gregory IX ever told people to kill cats, there have been smaller historical examples of Medieval folks killing cats for weird reasons. 1958 China Chairman Mao and the great leap forward he had designs on wiping out the four evils In the 13th Century a wave of anti-cat sentiment swept through Europe, with religious leaders labeling cats as evil and diabolical, including Pope Gregory IX who did so in 1232 AD. That was the first church document condemning black cats as instruments of satan. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Vox-in-Rama-authentic-What-effects-did-it-have, Sheldon, Natasha. Is the Vox in Rama authentic? It was Gregorys past as an astute lawyer that connected him to his acts of justice within the church. While the fact is pretty obscure on whether the papal bull is directly influenced by Konrad, he is known as a zeal that is set on to burn every last heretic. Though the Nazca Lines themselves werent discovered until 1926, when air travel started to become common, its been a World Heritage site since 1994, and is famous for its humming bird and astronaut geoglyphs. Gregory IX. Encyclopedia of World Biography, Encyclopedia.com. I would suggest that theres more to the story. Elsewhere in Europe, the legacy of cat killings passed into folk practices. Gregorys response was to issue the Vox in Rama. 2022 History of Yesterday | All Rights Reserved. The account began by describing the initiation of novices to the coven. And it gets repeated because it feels right to many people - it makes our ancestors look stupid and so make. A quick Google search shows that a felinefemme fatalecat mask is conveniently available on Amazon for only $25.22. To understand why suspicions of cats persist, you need to go back to the 13th Century, whenPope Gregory IXhad a definite opinion of cats and it wasnt a positive one. Pope Gregory IX did not say cats are evil, and did not order people to kill cats. And whatever else fleas like to nosh on.8. Nature tries to maintain a balance .. dogs, cats, chickens, and snakes all relate well to preying upon rats and fleas. There is little real evidence for this. Then, there is the fact that cats just arent good ratters-, which is why dogs; especially terriers are employed to catch rodents. In the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX, pope from 1227-1241, believed that cats actually carried the spirit of Satan himself within them. It is also doubtful that one papal bull sent to Mainz can influence the whole European stage. Cats Blamed for Spreading the Plague During the Middle Ages, it wasn't uncommon for cats to be killed, given their association with evil, Compora says. But cats? Literally no cats. For some reason, we find the idea that our ancestors were dumb rather appealing. He is mostly known for issuing the Decretales and starting the Papal Inquisition. (Accessed June 1, 2018). Id rather see them in the wild doing what cats are meant to do than as someones indoor pet. Then, there is the fact that cats just arent good ratters-, which is why dogs; especially terriers are employed to catch rodents. They not only killed rodents, hence less infected animals but they themselves are more likely to get bit for you, with their sweet tasting blood. My mum always said the best way to get rid of a flea infestation was to let a cat walk through your house. Not only that he founded the papal inquisition to prosecute heresy, but he also issues a papal bull a legal decree issued by a pope, designated as Vox in Rama that calls for crusades condemning the spread of heretics that follows Luciferianism in Mainz, Germany. Long Live Chairman Meow Propaganda Poster, This Is Fine Meme: Dog Drinks Coffee In Burning House. The purpose of the papal bull Vox in Rama, was to condemn a cult that had allegedly popped up in the Rhinelandand the bull was specifically sent to the city of Mainz. Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. It also provided a remarkably full account of their Satanic rite. Yes, I did say an astronaut that looks suspiciously like Neil Armstrong was carved in the face of the earth two millennia ago. Anyone with a thing against cats may get some satisfaction from a weird history "fact" circulating on the internet. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Im definitely tracking the cat worship concept. Locusts and every other kind because the sparrow not only ate grain but also insects the great 3 year famin followed and the official Chinese records showed 15 million people died of starvation but later studies done by experts from outside of China say the official numbers are fudged badly in an optimistic attempt to cover the true death toll of around 45 million plus some even say as high as 70 million!! The Vox described the depraved rituals of the cult in detail, portraying the devil worshipped by the witches as a shadowy half cat and half man figure. The bull does not, however, dictate that Catholics across Europe kill all cats to stop Satan. Lastly, a bit of science about the plague: the disease is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and is initially transmitted by fleas, which pass it to their hosts. In an era when unknown phenomena seemed like they could only be explained by powerful deities, it seemed only natural to the Egyptians to worship kitty cats. AKSHAY. In the decree, he declared that Satan is half cat and claimed that there were . To start, lets look at what Pope Gregory IX actually said about cats in his bull (special formatting is my own): Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. The disease was ravaging Asia before it ever made its way to Europe. Home chairman meow wisdom Why Cats Were (Wrongly) Blamed for the Black Plague in Europe. Indeed, there is evidence of animals dying from the Plague. But in the final analysis cats just arent dogs. Firstly, they are greeted by an abnormally large frog or toad, whose behind they must kiss and then a man of fearful pallor and thinness whose task was to suck out every last remnant of faith in the Catholic Church from their soul. Since the ninth century AD, the Canon Episcopi of the Catholic Church had deemed belief in witchcraft to be a heresy in itself. Furthermore, several more black plagues would hit the world in the 18th century or so, and it's unlikely that the cat population still suffers the cathunt after hundred of years. By Gregorys decree, there was a target on the head of every black cat. As one might have predicted, thereafter, mass slaughters of cats blanked Europe. "The whole story is one of those pseudo historical urban myths that keeps getting repeated despite the fact it's complete nonsense. So, rather than being a document banning cats from Europe, it was a letter sent to a city warning them about a cult. So theres a lot of weak info out there about the backwards things that Medieval people were wont to do. In my home, I use cat statuettes as bookends, and have various other representations of these felines throughout my home. When I graduated college,I began living my own dream as a reporter for a news media outlet. While ancient Egyptians would have rathersurrenderto invading army than harm a hand on a cat, the belief by others that cats cannot be trained to be loyal and obedient like a dog, was a source ofanxietyover cats during medieval times. Indeed the belief that the torture or killing of cats could break spells continued across northern Europe. Public Domain. Good luck keeping cat population low for 500 years. Many believed this was the end of the human race, and who could blame them? No one can say for sure how many cats were killed because of the association made between them and witchcraft by the Vox in Rama. WHY DONT U WRITE A SONG ABOUT THE PLAGUE THAT RAVAGED THE POPULATION OF HUMANS INSTEAD, BECAUSE THEY GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO THEM ALL. Share this article your friends will love it too! Consider a quote from Rastafari leader Haile Selassie; Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph. Iz just as true during Dark Ages as iz now. The PBS documentary pointed out that cats dont have the musculature in their faces to reproduce human-like facial expressions the way dogs do, which is probably the main reason people think they are aloof and why they think dogs are so much more companionable (cause we love things that are more like us). This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead. Next the myth of toxoplasmosis! I have no idea where you get the idea that cats place is in the wild. I didnt expect to read the whole article, but I found myself tickled in all the right places, so dear sir, I did indeed finish the article in its entirety. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Vox-in-Rama-authentic-What-effects-did-it-have, PetMD. Thanks, These were, however, local affairs and dont serve as proof of the kind of massive cat recall modern folks have inferred from Pope Gregory IXs bull. Fewer cats, more rats, more fleas, and more plague. What Im seeing here is a well-researched fact piece angering someone who kinda half-remembers something she thinks she read somewhere this one time. Pope Innocent VIII came to power in the late 1400s, during the throes of witch crusades in Western Europe. As a journalist, I spoke daily with public affairs officers who represented diverse government and corporate clients. Wierd Tales, Vol 36. But still, cultural images of cats being a marker of femininity didnt sprout fromVogue,any more than the idea that cats are plain evil stem fromSports Illustrated. Sometimes it appears unduly large, and sometimes equivalent to a goose or a duck, and sometimes it even assumes the size of an oven. Retrieved from http://www.kattenstoet.be/en/page/497-511/the-cat-throwing.html, MedicineNet.com. Used as widespread clickbait, a frequently repeated story claims that in the 13th century Pope Gregory IX, who led the Catholic Church from 1227 to 1241 and has been remembered for initiating the Papal Inquisition against heretics, suffered from a serious case of cat contempt. Denmarks Fastelavn held at the start of lent was based on the premise that for spring to begin, evil had to be banished. Although witch trials did occur on a local scale, they were mainly for the practice of pre-Christian beliefs and tried in secular rather than ecclesiastical courts. To think that all this fuss is over cats. Pope Benedict XVI acknowledges pilgrims during his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Nov. 4, 2009. Guess what? Do you believe that cats are invested with the spirit of Mr. Morningstar. Wikimedia Commons. A 'bulla' is the seal on the papal bull. Many of these rodents had fleas that carried diseases including the Black Plague. There are two things we need to shed light on; whether Gregory IX endorse the newly-coined cathunt and whether the cathunt directly correlates with the black plague that happens 100 years after. Im on the fence about getting an electronic cat that responds to touch (i.e., purring, meowing and flicking its robotic tail) but I can see why Egyptians of antiquity fell in love with cats. One of these was the sparrow! Theres one thing you havent considered. A bit hard to read when YOU ARE SCREAMING AT ME though! But, was it because of cats andrats? On January 23, 1229, he sent messages to Riga, Lubeck, Sweden, to Gotland with an appeal to begin . 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why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?