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Private companies include seed, venture . Prior to that, she was with JPMorgan Chase Bank for five years, serving most recently as International Client Manager. Privacy Policy Connect with strategic buyers, family offices and PE firms, Join the Axial network to streamline your deal origination and buyer discovery process. Mr. Hidalgo specializes in hospitality, senior living, multifamily and office properties and hes closed numerous equity, senior debt, and subordinated debt transactions. About Us. The team has proven experience investing across multiple asset classes during various stages of economic cycles, often taking a contrarian view on a particular market or asset class. TriGate Capital is a real estate investment firm. Trinity Hunt Partners Invests in MarksNelson, Creative Group is Pleased to Welcome Jim Cavanagh, Account Executive, Business Development, MPK Equity Partners Successfully Exits Investment in Unleashed Brands, Anson hedge fund pivots to long wagers, betting on weed stocks, Anson Hedge Fund Pivots to Long Wagers, Betting on Weed Stocks, Dallas Highlander Partners acquires counter-unmanned aerial systems, tech provider. Terms of Use|Web Design by PixFlex Media. Contact Type Prior to joining Arctos Sports Partners, Mrs. Slutzky served as Co-Head of Private Equity Due Diligence for JPMorgans Private Bank where she led a team that sourced and oversaw more than $40 billion in client commitments. NexPoint Advisors is a SEC-registered investment advisor to closed end fund. Investor Type: Private Equity Firm, Venture Capital, Investment Stage: Debt, Late Stage Venture, Private Equity, Venture. Our numbers speak for themselves. 1256 Main Street Suite 256 Southlake, TX 76092 682.334.5800 13355 Noel . Please fill out the form below to receive regular updates from Arctos Sports Partners. Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Dallas and Nashville, Pharos Capital Group is a physician-founded private equity firm that invests in growing healthcare companies that aim to improve patient outcomes, increase access to care and/or lower the cost of healthcare. Please reach out for questions regarding investments, human resources or general information, © 2023 Paceline Equity Partners Mr. Crigler has more than 15 years of investment management experience. Statistics are as of 6/30/2022. Read More. We help entrepreneurs and management teams grow their business to the next level. Mr. Solomon led commercial strategy for the teams, including sponsorships, ticketing, marketing, merchandizing, venue operations and analytics. I have worked with a few private equity firms. Japan, San Francisco, Europe, Asia), CB Rank (Event): Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Events. ABOUT THE LIST Information was obtained from PitchBook and reflect the totals as of Jan. 3, 2019 for private equity firms headquartered in the Dallas- Fort Worth-Arlington MSA as defined by. Whether youre looking to sell a business, raise capital, or find your next investment opportunity, Axial can help connect you with the right deal partner at the right time. Through this broad experience, the partners at HC2 have developed an investment philosophy we apply to each investment: eliminate the losers, avoid crowds, and invest at a fair basis in assets that will produce and grow cash flow. Which industries have seen the most exits in this hub? Which companies in this hub have the most subsidiaries? Data sourced fromCrunchbaseandSemRush. Paceline Equity Partners is an investment manager focused on opportunities in real assets, corporate debt, and private equity. HC2 Capital, LLC 8235 Douglas Avenue Suite 818 Dallas, Texas 75225, T:214.217.7808 Sep 2022 - Mar 20237 months. Our private equity business partners via majority and minority investments with leadership teams of companies with $5 million to $50 million of EBITDA that operate with a long-term perspective, commit to their mission or purpose, and create value for all stakeholders. Managing Director. Average Founded Date Feb 17, 2006. What's the current funding status of companies in the portfolios of investors in this hub? December 6, 2021, 6:51 pm. Our mission is to partner with owners and leagues to increase liquidity and financial flexibility for ownership groups using a collaborative, thought partner approach. Their leadership and partnership are key contributors to the growth of NBIS.. How much aggregate funding have these organizations raised over time? Brazos Private Equity Partners is a Dallas-based private equity investment firm. Need more results? The Paceline senior management team members average 20 years of professional experience in acquiring, managing, and monetizing complex assets. Formed in 2000 with offices in Los Angeles and Philadelphia, our goal is to acquire controlling interests in leveraged buyout transactions throughout the continental, Kainos Capital, a middle market private equity firm focused on the food and consumer sector, was recently formed by Andrew Rosen, Robert Sperry and Sarah Ashmore Bradley. Private Equity Firm Dallas, Texas || Trinity Hunt Partners Investor Portal We Invest in People to Build Market Leaders. Tenner Smith. We partner with business owners and deploy our capital, experience, and relationships to help middle-market companies maximize their potential. Read More Interested in finding out how investors are using Axial to source deals? Providing thoughtful liquidity and structured growth Copyright 2020 Arctos Partners. Growth Destiny is an equity investor that supports individuals who are looking for guidance in their pursuit of success. We have tried to select a variety of different types of investors across a variety of niches. What's the most common types of sub-organization? Our culturally diverse team has a successful track record of raising capital from international and domestic markets. The Paceline team underwrites complex, value-oriented transactions that are executed quickly to meet the needs of sellers. Meta is a social technology company that enables people to connect, find communities, and grow businesses. Largest North Texas Private Equity Firms Ranked by Total Capital Under Management Locally Researched by: Brandon Call, Dallas Business Journal Feb 05, 2018, 11:37am CST Information on The List. | ESG Policy, Our founders have significant experience investing across these asset classes through multiple economic cycles, Paceline believes that attractive risk-adjusted returns require a value-oriented and specialized strategy, Pacelines investment focus is on situational and event-driven circumstances to identify idiosyncratic opportunities. Align Capital Partners is a growth oriented private equity firm. Caruth Capital Partners is a middle-market private equity firm. If you're interested in learning more about HC2,please complete and submit the form below. Mr. Criglers background is diverse, providing HC2 with a broad range of skills. MoxieBridge is a private real estate firm that specializes in value-add office and industrial property. And two figures that tell the story for us are 100 and 70. Having been a private equity investor since 1982, Mr. Hook has been a General Partner in firms with approximately $165 million under management, has invested in 50 privately held companies of which 14 have completed their IPOs and 5 have been acquired for over $165 million each. //, by The U.S.s National Basketball Association (NBA) and Indian media conglomerateViacom18have revealed a multiyear partnership to deliver live NBA games and programming to Indian audiences across television and streaming platforms. In addition to his investment responsibilities, Mr. OConnor directs the Firms investment strategy, firm governance and investor relations. The SunTx approach is practical and available, two very important characteristics in a fast paced and dynamic business climate., SunTx Capital Partners Announces Investment in Epoch Solutions Group Platform. The professionals at Baymark Partners possess over 100 years of successful experience in acquiring, investing and operating growth companies. Ridgeline is a real estate investment firm that acquires and operates healthcare real estate assets. Venture Round - Dynasty Financial Partners, Debt Financing - Dynasty Financial Partners, Debt Financing - Trinity Private Equity Group, Private Equity Round - Trinity Private Equity Group, Sumo Logic acquired by Francisco Partners, Atlas Technical Consultants acquired by GI Partners, Accelerate Learning acquired by Providence Equity Partners, Kilwins acquired by Levine Leichtman Capital Partners, Summit Partners Europe Growth Equity Fund IV, Blackstone Strategic Partners GP Solutions, dd COLLECTIVE Downtown Digital Block Party, Total number of organizations associated with this hub, This describes the type of investor this organization is (e.g. Crossplane Capital is a private equity firm that is a value-added strategic partner for industrial companies. 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