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0000064425 00000 n CLOSED MONDAY CLOSED TUESDAY 12:30 - 5:00pm WEDNESDAY CLOSED HVMo1Wh#k]87Z4M6y3nB%T)ey7QUj/Uk. I.U\mVVjv1W{1QX "'Z8MFR~E0GE4{ OvZ7;. For others, the problem drinker is a parent, child, or grandchild. Al-Anon Newcomer Packet (K-10) Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. Beginners/Newcomers. Pick something or a few things about yourself that you wish were better, and make it happen. 4 0 obj <> endobj xref 2667 Camino del Rio S. # 208, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-2666. 0000026730 00000 n We are glad you decided to join us. San Diego County Al-Anon Information Service Office 2667 Camino del Rio S. # 208, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-2666 Al-Anon information reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA. We are always here to help you. Al-Anon has published guidelines and resources that represent the shared experience of over 40,000 groups worldwide. Outreach tool for those who grew up with alcoholism. Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism. Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78. Six pages. We all love him, especially my mom . 2667 Camino del Rio S. # 208, San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 296-2666. 0000010795 00000 n Alcoholics Anonymous, Tradition 3. 5 products. 0000141308 00000 n ((:f+1 @ jD endstream endobj 24 0 obj <>>> endobj 25 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 26 0 obj <> endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj <> endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>stream 0000031237 00000 n 0000012188 00000 n 0000020873 00000 n 0000003952 00000 n Al-Anon Family Groups is an important source of . Email a list of the items you want to order or aCach the le to Ordering for a group provide: Group name, Group #, and District # . Prices are U.S. currency and subject to change. Supplied by WSO in group binders until 2004, when they removed it, declaring it "directive (telling newcomers how they felt and what they needed to do)." Many Voices, One Journey: Al-Anon Family Groups B-31, p. 348. 0000006355 00000 n `si4Mc_y>>mqMG8n6' NKEn{?'W>[eBj9kc76&mS&T(.K],y~#k`|iEf]+r^`O`_#1!1!Z>>>>~E^5`{W+[ K^BOS)x Search Log in Cart Cart expand/collapse. Everyone has room for improvement, and everyone deserves to benefit from the hard work they do on themselves. If youre new to Al-Anon youll find the Newcomer Packet very helpful. 0000059032 00000 n 0000002713 00000 n 0000001588 00000 n Phone: (757) 563-1600 Find Support With Al-Anon's Free Downloadable Items. 0000001872 00000 n Parents/Grandparents. San Diego County Al-Anon Information Service Office. 0000003311 00000 n Al-Anon groups are made up of family members and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Executive Committee for Real Property Management (ECRPM). Answers the questions educators ask about Alateen, for young people affected by someone elses drinking. Below is a list of resources you might find useful as you start your recovery journey. Newcomer Packet.pdf - The 2020 Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism. Since its founding in 1951, AlAnon Family Groups published more than 100 books and pamphlets that share Al-Anon's single purpose: to help family and friends recover from the effects of someone else's drinking. 0000007852 00000 n Now, with just a couple taps in the app, English-, Spanish-, and French-speaking Al-Anon members and newcomers from around the world will be able to come together for Al-Anon recovery. Defective items or misprints - Any item purchased directly from the World Service Office (WSO) that is defective or misprinted can be replaced, or a refund issued without time limit. How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics(B-32). HWn}Qll A:z,1Kqh93#` 3U]]]ur]^]9)#uxus.W+Z}Q2HAU6%uz}~7s>tWtR^]2C< {hj'SnX{u8~)(o'qj8~S~aQ+M,S5EUp)Ktqkz7}bnFXEzp3Wpy1ru6i^1{Wx^)7&f. 0000054463 00000 n 0000005722 00000 n Al-Anon members come to understand problem drinking is a family illness that affects everyone in the family. 0000004369 00000 n 0000141667 00000 n Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomer Packet $2.00 $2.00 Men's Newcomer Packet $2.00 $2.00 Parents' Newcomer Packet $2.00 $2.00 NYC AL-ANON INTERGROUP 4 W. 43RD ST SUITE 308 NEW YORK, NY 10036 212 941-0094 PHONE INFO@NYCALANON.ORG. Jane S Alateen Area Process Person Randy W Angela A Vicky D Students and professionals are also welcomed. Fax: (757) 563-1655. Find A Meeting or Event . . The Newcomer booklet, We're Glad You're Here, contains helpful information including a glossary of commonly used words, a list of the tools of the program, the S-Anon readings used at meetings, and shares from members about their first S-Anon meeting. St. Paul Area AlAnon/Alateen Intergroup 253 State Street Saint Paul, MN 55107-1612 USA (). Home Members Visitors . Newcomer packets cannot be emailed. Defective items or misprints - Any item purchased directly from the World Service Office (WSO) that is defective or misprinted can be replaced, or a refund issued without time limit. . 0000028934 00000 n 0000014066 00000 n HTiTWFTaUKhr$*\FE\UiWfE4jD#q]M4j43a9{{7ZT0^`9|"]B}?CDxeYwH=C9dyvr\&KHT"]7A.],OMplNR,x1&biX6;fstY/hsq$%D\v|3i_O*tMF\AxX=]=-^C%>ba! Moderators may edit comments according to AlAnon Policy to remove personally identifiable information to protect anonymity, as well as remove derogatory language or statements that are inflammatory or unrelated. Al-Anon information reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA. A postal address is required. *e%Z+Wl(jn%v*AhL90xw^nU6/ bU[X:v>&d&In62k ! Remember you are not alone. <> 0000017475 00000 n By regularly attending and participating in Al-Anon meetings you will find healthy, positive ways of dealing with the difficulties that result from anothers alcoholism. According to the most recent AlAnon Membership Survey: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Executive Committee for Real Property Management (ECRPM). There is no magic formula that enables you to help someone stopor cut backon his or her drinking. Indexed. Al-Anon and Alateen Service Manual Currently download only at 9 0 obj Please contact the WSO if you have any questions at 757-563-1600 or by email at, Items can be returned or a picture of the defective or misprinted portions of the item emailed to. History. Credit to the original form of payment is applied once the item or image has been received with proof of purchase. Over time, however, we come to understand that we can benefit from hearing how the Al-Anon principles worked in many different circumstances. 0000054191 00000 n Credit includes original shipping charges. Meetings take on the personalities of the members that attend it. 0000141381 00000 n Alcoholism is a complex problem, with many related issues. 0000020800 00000 n Pages 2 Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Outreach to the Public. ESPAOL PDF English PDF. Who We Are. Members share how they have learned to acknowledge and accept these losses with the help of Al-Anon Family Groups. Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78. WATERDOWN AFG. Our personal situations may be different, but we share as equals because of what we have in common: our lives have been affected by another persons drinking. (F-2) Information and Tips for GRs as Forum Representatives, (GR-1) Al-Anon Registration/Change Records Change Form, Link formaking Group Records Changes online at WSO, (P-24) Al-Anon and Alateen Groups At Work, (P-35) Why Conference Approved Literature, (RSS-1) Al-Anon's Regional Service Seminars, (S-60) Fact Sheet for Electronic Meetings, Information for Educators: Alateen Meetings in Schools, Al-Anon Family Groups Welcomes All People of Color, Al-Anon Welcomes Adult Children of Alcoholics. Newcomer Packets. 0000059450 00000 n (ICWV'V!~6qV(Edye+])Jv'WUNnh_0?xvKDv 9 RZ#/4"uqo|+ 1 0 obj This literature supplements the face-to-face meetings where AlAnon . 0000020986 00000 n All comments enter moderation, which may take up to ten business days. Regular price $2.86. 0000001616 00000 n Both newcomers and members had aimed to improve their o verall. AlAnon Newcomer Packet (K10) $1.40. Thank you to all of our WSO trusted servants and special workers who made the newcomer e-book possible. go to THE NOW mostly VIRTUAL meetings when possible. Includes P-21, P-22, P-41, P-67, S-4, S-20, M-9, M-13, M-18, and a sample . Interested individuals are requested to maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of members identities. He's not angry or mean. Newcomer Packet (K-10 . We in Al-Anon share our experience, strength, and hope, and all we have learned to help ourselves and others suffering from a loved one's drinking. View Details. For items damaged in transit, please contact the WSO at 757-563-1600 or by email at. Due to Apples pricing policy,the bookletis$1.99 per copyon AppleBooks. Includes P-14, P-19, P-48, P-53, P-67, S-4, M-12, and M-78. We reserve the right not to accept a defective or misprinted item which is worn. SUNDAY. See what's available at your public library. Literature. We have all experienced our first AlAnon meeting: the nervousness, frustration, embarrassment, and annoyance. Having a plan in place to welcome newcomers and visitors to your group throughout the year helps newcomers and members alike. Just for Today . Welcome! 0000140149 00000 n 0000050116 00000 n Easy-to-use handout explains the basics of detachment from alcoholism. 0000064679 00000 n ];qgHy o;_W#O2QP)Ee2~k75Ms%3ihn_{LLdjuf=gEM{C$ZuFTq Add to cart. 0000002150 00000 n 0000004404 00000 n 0000049537 00000 n Fax: (757) 563-1655. V3K "?}r"zmlv=KaEkVUxlR"k%RRTb+X@,TY(WJG185W`vrGeL;lvz;,:iSO1 3 0 obj Some members have asked in the past whether advertising is . Briefly discuss Step Oneemphasizing that we are not re- 4 66 work the steps in Al-Anon. hb```f``f`c`b`@ V( Gifting iscurrentlynot available on Kobo. H\n@b"2xKDb=PK;'J"%d?]N6OMtxl]kOZY9^y?N1Mm~. Regular . Free Newcomer Packet About Al-Anon San Diego Meetings & Events. Al-Anon's simplicity is reflected in the tools of the program . Due to Apple's pricing policy, the booklet is $1.99 per copy on Apple Books. Hours: 8:00-5:00 ET M-F Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. Hours: Open Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Noon to 4 pm, Wednesday Noon to 8 pm; closed Monday & Saturday.. Email: Phone: 651-771-2208 St. Paul Intergroup Home Page Outreach tool for people of color to help identify a need for the Al-Anon program. 0000049168 00000 n Email: Office is Open to public. These traits may have been adaptive at the time, but have . Al-Anon/Alateen Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and Authorized Service Materials . You mentioned you don't have friends, so there's a good one. Al-Anon is a mutual support group. Filter. SK-10 $1.40 . Alateen Newcomer Packet $ 1.75; Adult Children Newcomer Packet $ 2.00; Men's Newcomer Packet $ 2.00; Parents' Newcomer Packet $ 2.00; Bookmarks. 0000065018 00000 n %PDF-1.7 Al-Anon groups are made up of family members and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. . 0000036784 00000 n Order from your local Literature Distribution Center or General Service Office, or download an order form. Enve por correo electrnico una lista de los artculos . The Forum; Contributions; Al-Anon Newcomer Packet (K-10) Welcomes first-timers with basic introductory Al-Anon pamphlets assembled in a booklet. +=30H2J10>f`bagafm-[+=0n]Zj >2>c n0 Ofdg0`d5DG2[ A' endstream endobj 5 0 obj <>>> endobj 6 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 10 0 obj [/ICCBased 21 0 R] endobj 11 0 obj [/Indexed 10 0 R 161 22 0 R] endobj 12 0 obj <>stream Paths to Recovery - Al-Anon's Steps, Traditions & Concepts $ 21.00; Hope for Today (large print) $ 19.00; Courage to Change (large print) $ 19.00; Many Voices, One Journey . {'od{,IR=d:W3ud{X*F4. Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Executive Committee for Real Property Management (ECRPM). 0000012939 00000 n We want everyone to feel welcome in our AlAnon and Alateen meetings! For others, the problem drinker is a parent, child, or grandchild. Newcomer Packet (K-10) $ 1.40. Similarly, Alateen is our recovery program for young people. The print version will have a similar look. 0000057890 00000 n We invite you to visit our. Al-Anon's basic, most comprehensive book discusses all aspects of our program of recovery. 0000104793 00000 n Items must be in a resalable condition. Outreach to the Public. Al-Anon Newcomer Packet. We advertised using YouTube, Spotify, and programmatic advertising. Al-Anon and Alateen PDF Order Form. <> Visit our literature store in Westborough, Monday-Friday. Alateen Newcomer Packet (now in booklet format) Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomer Packet Men's Newcomer Packet Parents' Newcomer Packet SERVICE KITS/PACKETS Professional Packet Professional Packet - Canada Using Al-Anon Principles to Resolve Conflicts Kit (Includes S-71, S-72, and S-73) CAT B-31c B-33c p-5C P-24c P-24/27 P-24/27c p-49c P . 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