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Lookup the home address and phone 7814895264 and other contact details for this person Michael A Felger is a resident of Wellesley. Professor of Political Science, R. Steven Schiavo Ph.D.Professor of Psychology, Alexia Henderson Sontag Ph.D.Professor of Mathematics, Margaret Ellen Ward Ph.D.Professor of German, Michle M. Respaut Ph.D.Professor of French, William F. Coleman Ph.D.Professor of Chemistry, Nancy Harrison Kolodny Ph.D.Nellie Zuckerman Cohen and Anne Cohen Heller Professor of Health SciencesProfessor of Chemistry, Vicki E. Mistacco Ph.D.Professor of French, Thomas Bauer M.A.Senior Instructor in Physics Laboratory, Wendy Hagen Bauer Ph.D.Professor of Astronomy, Charles B. Fisk D.M.APhyllis Henderson Carey Professor of Music, Nancy P. Genero Ph.D.Associate Professor of Psychology, Robert L. Paarlberg Ph.D.Betty Freyhof Johnson 44 Professor of Political Science, Alan Shuchat Ph.D.Professor of Mathematics, Marilyn T. Turnbull M.A.Senior Instructor in Chemistry Laboratory, Sheila P. Brachfeld-Child Ph.D.Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Thomas S. Hansen Ph.D.Professor of German, Gary C. Harris Ph.D.Professor of Biological Sciences, Bunny Harvey MFAElizabeth Christy Kopf Professor of Art, Simone Helluy Ph.D.Senior Instructor in Biological Sciences Laboratory, Lois Wasserspring Ph.D.Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Marion Dry M.M.Senior Music Performance Faculty in Voice, David R. Haines Ph.D.Associate Professor of Chemistry, Andrea Gayle Levitt Ph.D.Margaret Clapp 30 Distinguished Alumna Professor of French and Linguistics, Marianne V. Moore Ph.D.Frost Professor in Environmental ScienceProfessor of Biological Sciences, William W. Quivers Ph.D.Associate Professor of Physics, Susan M. Reverby Ph.D.Marion Butler McLean Professor in the History of IdeasProfessor of Womens and Gender Studies, Nicholas L. Rodenhouse Ph.D.Professor of Biological Sciences, Connie Lynn Bauman M.S.PERA Professor of the Practice, Barbara R. Beatty Ed.D.Professor of Education, James R. Besancon Ph.D.Associate Professor of Geosciences, Martin Alan Brody D.M.A.Catherine Mills Davis Professor of Music, Linda Carli Ph.D.Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Veronica Darer Ph.D.Senior Lecturer in Spanish, Theodore W. Ducas Ph.D.Professor of Physics, Charlene Galarneau Ph.D.Associate Professor of Womens and Gender Studies, David P. Hawkins Ph.D.Associate Professor of Geosciences, Michael J. Hearn Ph.D.Professor of Chemistry, Nora Hussey B.A.Artistic Director emerita of the Wellesley College Theatre, Marion R. Just Ph.D.Professor of Political Science, Joel Krieger Ph.D.Norma Wilentz Hess Professor of Political Science, Yuan-Chu Ruby Lam Ph.D.Professor of Chinese, Martin A. Magid Ph.D.Professor of Mathematics, Frances Malino Ph.D.Sophia Moses Robison Professor of Jewish Studies and History, Paul I. Reisberg Ph.D.Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Margery M. Sabin Ph.D.Lorraine C. Wang Professor of English, Randy Shull Ph.D.Professor of Computer Science, Frederic W. Shultz Ph.D.Professor of Mathematics, Suzanne E. Stumpf B.A.Senior Music Performance Faculty in Flute, Baroque Flute, and Chamber Music, Jill Ann Syverson-Stork Ph.D.Senior Lecturer in Spanish, Lynne Spigelmire Viti Ph.D., J.D.Senior Lecturer in the Writing Program, Andrew C. Webb Ph.D.Professor of Biological Sciences, Adele Wolfson Ph.D.Nan Walsh Schow54 and Howard B. Schow Professor in the Physical and Natural SciencesProfessor of Chemistry, Winifred Jane Wood Ph.D.Senior Lecturer in the Writing Program, Maurizio S. Viano Ph.D.Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, John S. Cameron Ph.D.Professor of Biological Sciences, Margaret Deutsch Carroll Ph.D.Professor of Art, Sylvaine V. Egron-Sparrow M.A.Senior Lecturer in French, Julie Ann Matthaei Ph.D.Professor of Economics, Carolyn A. Morley Ph.D.Professor of Theatre Studies and Japanese, Filomina Chioma Steady Ph.D.Professor of Africana Studies, Beth Ann Hennessey Ph.D.Professor of Psychology, Nancy Marshall Ed.D.Adjunct Associate Professor of Womens and Gender Studies, Corrine Taylor Ph.D.Senior Lecturer in the Quantitative Reasoning Program, Emily A. Buchholtz Ph.D.Gordon P. Lang and Althea P. Lang 26 Professor of Biological Sciences, Marcia E. Thomas M.A.Senior Instructor in Biological Sciences Laboratory, Bidart, Frank M.A.Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the HumanitiesProfessor of English, Masson, Catherine Ph.D.Professor of French, Peltason, Timothy Walter Hopkins Ph.D.Professor of English, Wardell, Lauri M.S.Senior Instructor in Physics Laboratory, French, Richard G. Ph.D.Louise Sherwood McDowell and Sarah Frances Whiting Professor of AstrophysicsProfessor of Astronomy, Hildreth, Ellen C. Ph.D.Professor of Computer Science, Lindauer, David Ph.D.Stanford Calderwood Professor of Economics, Lucas, Margery Ph.D.Professor of Psychology and Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Matsusaka, Yoshihisa Ph.D.Professor of History, Moon, Katharine H.S. boston25.com/sara 6:00 University of Massachusetts (Amherst), Klepac-Ceraj, VanjaAssociate Professor of Biological SciencesB.S., Beloit College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ko, Yu JinProfessor of EnglishB.A., Columbia University; M.A., Cambridge University (Clare College); Ph.D., Yale University, Kodera, T. JamesA2Professor of ReligionB.A., Carleton College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University, Kniger, MartinaAdjunct Assistant Professor of Biological SciencesDiploma, Ph.D., University of Wrzburg (Germany), Kroll, Jennifer A.PERA Associate Professor of the PracticeB.S., Northwestern University; M.S., University of Kentucky, Krontiris, ElizabethVisiting Lecturer in the Writing ProgramB.A., M.A., University of Chicago; M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D., Yale University, Kulik-Johnson, KyraSenior Lecturer in PsychologyB.A., Boston College; Ed.M., Harvard University Graduate School of Education; Ph.D., Boston College, Kurata-Anthony, MihoVisiting Lecturer in JapaneseB.S., New York University; M.A., Teachers College at Columbia University, Kuscher, Brian K.PERA Associate Professor of the PracticeB.A., Franklin Pierce University; M.A., Concordia University, Lambert, JoshSophia Moses Robison Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and EnglishA.B., Harvard College; Ph.D., University of Michigan, Landeros, KathyaKnafel Assistant Professor of HumanitiesAssistant Professor of ArtB.A., Vassar College; M.F.A., Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Lange, KarenA2Theresa Mall Mullarkey Associate Professor of MathematicsB.A., Swarthmore College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Chicago, Langone, SteveSenior Music Performance Faculty in Jazz-Rock-Latin DrumsB.A., Berklee College of Music, Laslo, MaraVisiting Lecturer in Biological SciencesB.S., University of Maryland (Baltimore County); M.S., American University; Ph.D., Harvard University, Lauer, JosephLecturer in MathematicsB.Math., University of Waterloo; M.Sc., McGill University; Ph.D., Yale University, Laviosa, FlaviaSenior Lecturer in Italian StudiesB.A., University of Bari (Italy); M.S., University of Edinburgh; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York (Buffalo), Lee, SohieA1Senior Instructor in Computer Science LaboratoryB.S., Cornell University; M.S., Stanford University; Ph.D., University of California (San Diego), Lee, Sun-HeeAProfessor of KoreanB.A., M.A., Ph.D., Yonsei University; Ph.D., Ohio State University, Lee, Yoon SunAnne Pierce Rogers Professor in American LiteratureProfessor of EnglishA.B., Harvard College; Ph.D., Yale University, Lee, Michelle C.Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor of French and Francophone StudiesB.A., M.A., University of California (Santa Cruz); Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles), Lekas, CalliePERA Assistant Professor of the PracticeB.A., Wellesley College; M.A., University of Massachusetts (Amherst), Levine, PhillipA2Katharine Coman and A. Barton Hepburn Professor of EconomicsB.S., M.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., Princeton University, Levitt, PeggyA2Mildred Lane Kemper Professor of SociologyB.A., Brandeis University; M.S., Columbia University; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Liddell, CatherineMusic Instructor in LuteB.A., Sarah Lawrence College, Liu, HepingAssociate Professor of ArtB.A., Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages (China); M.A., Southern Methodist University; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University, Lynch, Kathryn L.Katharine Lee Bates and Sophie Chantal Hart Professor of EnglishB.A., Stanford University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia, Lynch-McDonnell, LeoAccompanist/Coach in Music, Lynn-Davis, BarbaraLecturer in ArtB.A., Brown University; M.A., Williams College; Ph.D., Princeton University, MacDonald, PaulProfessor of Political ScienceB.A., University of California (Berkeley); M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University, Maeno, YoshimiSenior Lecturer in JapaneseB.A., Baika Womens College (Japan); M.A., West Virginia University; Ed.M., Ed.D., Harvard University, Magill, PatriciaInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.S., Marquette University, Maparyan, LayliProfessor of Africana StudiesKatherine Stone Kaufmann 67 Executive Director, Wellesley Centers for WomenB.A., Spelman College; M.S., Penn State University; Ph.D., Temple University, Marini, Stephen AnthonyElisabeth Luce Moore Professor of Christian StudiesProfessor of ReligionB.A., Dickinson College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Marino, AlisaInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.A., M.S., Kings College, Marlow, LouiseProfessor of ReligionB.A., Cambridge University; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University, Martorelli, PaulLecturer in Political ScienceB.A., University of San Francisco; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Masters, SusieInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, Mata, IreneAssociate Professor of Womens and Gender StudiesB.A., M.A., New Mexico State University; Ph.D., University of California (San Diego), Matasy, KatherineSenior Music Performance Faculty in Clarinet and Classical SaxophoneB.A., M.M.A., New England Conservatory of Music, Matthes, Erich HatalaA2Associate Professor of PhilosophyDirector, The Camilla Chandler Frost 47 Center for the EnvironmentB.A., Yale University; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Matthes, Jaclyn HatalaAAssociate Professor of Biological SciencesA.B., Harvard University; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Matthews, Adam G.Senior Lecturer in Biological SciencesA.B., Ph.D., Harvard University, Mattila, Heather RoseProfessor of Biological SciencesB.Sc., Ph.D., University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada), Maurissette, FionaVisiting Lecturer in the Writing ProgramB.A., Wellesley College; M.S., St. Johns University; M.A., Ph.D., Tufts University, Mavros, MichaelInstructor in Chemistry LaboratoryB.S., University of Florida; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mawhorter, PeterInstructor in Computer Science LaboratoryB.S., Harvey Mudd College; Ph.D. University of California (Santa Cruz), McAskill, Tracy Lecturer in PhysicsB.S., Texas Tech University; M.S., Ph.D., Tufts University, McCarthy, Amanda M.Senior Instructor in Chemistry LaboratoryB.S., M.S., Syracuse University, McEwan, Patrick J.Luella LaMer Slaner Professor in Latin American StudiesProfessor of EconomicsB.A., University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University, McGibbon, PhyllisElizabeth Christy Kopf Professor of ArtB.F.A., M.F.A., University of Wisconsin (Madison), McGinnis, Tracy L.Senior Music Performance Faculty in BassoonB.M.A.S., University of Delaware; M.M., New England Conservatory of Music, McGowan, Mary KateMargaret Clapp 30 Distinguished Alumna Professor of PhilosophyB.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University, McIntyre, Alison G.Virginia Onderdonk 29 Professor of PhilosophyB.A., M.A., Tufts University; Ph.D., Princeton University, McKnight, RobinProfessor of EconomicsB.A., Amherst College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McLeod, Kim KatrisLouise Sherwood McDowell and Sarah Frances Whiting Professor in AstrophysicsProfessor of AstronomyB.A., Cornell University; Ph.D., University of Arizona, McNamara, MarthaDirector of the New England Arts and Architecture ProgramSenior Lecturer in ArtB.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., Boston University, McNutt, CraigSenior Music Performance Faculty in PercussionB.M., Hartt School of Music; M.M., Yale University; D.M.A., New England Conservatory of Music, Metaxas, P. Takis Professor of Computer ScienceB.Sc., University of Athens (Greece); Ph.D., Dartmouth College, Meyer, Susan L.A2Professor of EnglishB.A., Johns Hopkins University; M.A., University of California (Los Angeles); M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University, Miller, CercieSenior Music Performance Faculty in Jazz SaxophoneDirector, Wellesley BlueJazz, Miller, KelseyVisiting Lecturer in ArtB.A., Wellesley College; M.F.A., University of Connecticut, Minor, ElizabethLecturer in AnthropologyB.A., Wellesley College; M.S., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Mishra, HoraVisiting Lecturer in AstronomyB.S., South Dakota State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, Miwa, Julia HendrixAssociate Professor of ChemistryB.A., Haverford College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Moe, LukasVisiting Lecturer in the Writing ProgramB.A., Kenyon College; M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University, Monecke, KatrinA2Associate Professor of GeosciencesB.S., M.S., University of Hannover (Germany); Ph.D., Institute of Technology (Zurich, Switzerland), Morari, Codrua AAssociate Professor of Cinema & Media StudiesB.A., Babes-Bolyai University (Romania); B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Paris III, Morgan, Maureen F.Director, Child Study CenterLecturer in PsychologyB.S., Lesley College; M.Ed., Harvard University, Mowbray, AndrewSenior Lecturer in ArtDirector of 3D ArtsB.F.A., Maryland Institute College of Art; M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art, Mowitz, AaronVisiting Lecturer in PhysicsB.S., Brandeis University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Chicago, Muller, EmilieInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.A., Bates College, Murray, Jean-PierreVisiting Lecturer in Political ScienceB.S., University of the West Indies, Mona; M.S., Sciences Po Bordeaux; M.S., University of the West Indies, Mona; M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts (Boston), Musacchio, Jacqueline MarieProfessor of ArtB.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University, Mustafaraj, EniA2Associate Professor of Computer ScienceM.Eng., Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania); Ph.D., Philipps-Universitt Marburg (Germany), Musto, JenniferA1Associate Professor of Womens and Gender StudiesB.A., DePaul University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles), Neumuller, SethAssociate Professor of EconomicsB.S., Rice University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles), Nickles, KatieInstructor in Biological Sciences LaboratoryB.S., M.S., University of Rhode Island, Nishikawa, KanakoCoach/Collaborative Keyboardist and Music Instructor in PianoB.M., Toho School of Music (Tokyo); M.M., New England Conservatory, Noggle, James WilliamAProfessor of EnglishB.A., Columbia University; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Nolden, ThomasProfessor of German StudiesStaatsexamen, Universitt Tbingen; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University, Norem, Julie K. Margaret Hamm Professor of PsychologyA.B., University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Michigan, Nez, MeganNan Walsh Schow 54 and Howard B. Schow Professor in the Physical and Natural SciencesProfessor of ChemistryDean of Faculty AffairsB.A., Smith College; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, ODonnell, JenniferLecturer in Womens and Gender StudiesB.A., Wellesley College; M.S., Ph.D., Harvard School of Public Health, OMeara, KeriPERA Associate Professor of the PracticeB.A., Montclair State University; Ed.M., Bloomsburg University, Oakes, ElizabethSenior Instructor in Chemistry LaboratoryB.A., Bryn Mawr College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison), Okumura, Leah M.Senior Instructor in Biological Sciences LaboratoryA.B., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oles, JamesSenior Lecturer in ArtB.A., Yale University; J.D., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Yale University, Oliver, LizaA1Associate Professor of ArtB.A., University of North Florida; M.A., University of South Florida; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University, Olsen, David TengAssociate Professor of ArtB.F.A., University of Washington (Seattle); M.A., M.F.A., University of Wisconsin (Madison), Osorio, Alejandra B.Associate Professor of HistoryB.A., M.A., New York University; Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Palaia, LisaLecturer in EducationB.A., The American University; M.Ed., George Mason University, Park, KyungAssociate Professor of EconomicsB.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago, Parussa, SergioProfessor of Italian StudiesLaurea in Lettere, Universit degli studi di Torino (Italy); M.A., Ph. he is living in Wellesley. He doesnt have a personal account on Instagram, but he is active on the joint account he has with Tony Massarotti for their show. Michael was born on the 6th of August 1969. Discover Michael Felger's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. According to some sources his annual salary ranges from $51k $60k. 37 court search results for people named "Michael Felger" in the United States. The one thing that has always separated Boston Sports from our counterparts in New York is that our professional athletes are comfortable with the media, and are given a level of respect and professionalism by the beat writers. He transitioned to full-time electronic work in 2005, when he took over as host of his own ESPN Radio show, which lasted three years. Nadineestablished a fresh marriage with another entrepreneur, Sean Stewart, Rod Stewarts Son Ties Knot With Jody Weintraub At On-The-Spot Las Vegas Venue, Hilaria Baldwin, Alec Baldwin Wife Says She Is Standing With Her Husband After Everything They Have Been Through, BAFTAs Accidently Announce Carey Mulligan As Best Supporting Actress Instead Of Kerry Condon, Jansen Panettiere, Hayden Panettiere Brother was Found Dead In New York City At The Age of 28, When was Michael Felger Born? Sports radio and TV personality Michael Felger, 48, is a co-host of Felger & Mazz on the Sports Hub (98.5 FM) and an on-air personality for NBC Sports Boston. check out the. The phone number (781) 489-5264 belongs to Michael Felger and is located in Wellesley, MA, U.S. (781) 489-5264 is a phone from the carrier and its connection status is . Black M.A., M.S.Associate Professor of Art, Ann Congleton Ph.D.Professor of Philosophy, Rachel Jacoff Ph.D.Margaret E. Deffenbaugh and LeRoy T. Carlson Professor in Comparative LiteratureProfessor of Italian Studies, Micheline E. Jedrey M.S.College Librarian Emerita, Elizabeth C. Lieberman M.A.Instructor in Chemistry Laboratory, Wilbur C. Rich Ph.D.William R. Kenan, Jr. Your email address will not be published. Sara is related to Michael A Felger . Jordan Belforts Ex-Wife, Where Is Nadine Caridi Today? Michael A Felger, 53. All Filters. 1969 . View more. Michael Felger MA Wellesley Hills Profile Not the right Michael Felger? Michael Felger has 1 child. He worked as a lead reporter for the Boston Bruins for the Boston Herald from 1997 to 1999. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. The international number for this cell phone is +1 781 489 5264. Michael A Felger, 53. Resides in Nantucket, MA. Matthew Benjamin Giess. And currently, he is living in Wellesley. What ethnicity is Michael Felger? Felger has lived in Boston since 1988 and presently lives in an exceedingly Boston suburb, Wellesley, alongside his partner, FOX 25 tv anchorwoman Sara underwood and their daughters, Emma and Tessa. Michael moved out of this 5,836 square foot home in 2016. Michael is currently active only on Twitter and Instagram. Michael Felger is married to Sara Underwood. He was ranked 114 on Baseball America's Top 500. He began his career as an intern for the Boston Herald and later worked for WBZ-TV as an analyst for Patriots pre-game and post-game programming, as well as a panelist on the Sports final. Michael A Felger, 52 Resides in Nantucket, MA Lived InBoston MA, Wellesley Hills MA, Boca Raton FL, Lake Worth FL Related ToDaniel Felger, Georgia Felger, David Felger, Nancy Felger, Mildred Felger Also known asMichael A Feltger, Ma A Felger, Micheal A Felger IncludesAddress(16) Phone(7) Email(2) See Results Email Lookup Area Code: 23456789 Name: Mike Vasil, a hard-throwing righthander for the University of Virginia baseball team, hunkering down at home in Wellesley of waiting to see how the draft would play out, Sign up now for summer camp in Wellesley (and beyond), Sister Act 2: Wellesley Planning Board extends hearing on Article 42, Wellesley Town election 2023: Natural Resources Commission candidates, Letter to the editor: in support of Jaden Crawford for NRC, Trivia Night to support Wellesley Historical Society, Wellesley Select Board office hours with Beth Sullivan Woods, Wellesley Historical Society programRoute 9, A Journey Through Time, Wellesleys 2023 Boston Marathon charity runners, In wake of noise complaints, Wellesley to hold pickleball hearing, Jack Sanford: Wellesley's Major League Baseball Star, Wellesley Sports Discussion Facebook Group. Wellesley College; M.A., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Wiest, MichaelAssociate Professor of NeuroscienceB.A., Dartmouth College; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State University, Wilmer, Jeremy B.Associate Professor of PsychologyB.A., Williams College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Wink, PaulNellie Zuckerman Cohen & Anne Cohen Heller Professor in Health SciencesProfessor of PsychologyB.A., M.A., University of Melbourne; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Woodford, JacquelinLecturer in ChemistryB.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., University of California (San Diego), Yacoubou Djima, KaramatouAssistant Professor of MathematicsB.S., CUNY College of Staten Island; M.S., Ph.D., University of Maryland (College Park), Zeitlin, PaulaSenior Music Performance Faculty in Jazz Violin and ViolaDirector of Wellesley BlueJazz CombosB.A., Earlham College; M.A., University of Chicago, Zhao, WeinaSenior Lecturer in ChineseB.A., Nanjing University; M.A., Clark University, Zheng, EricaVisiting Lecturer in ChemistryB.A., Oberlin College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Zimmerman, EveProfessor of JapaneseDirector, The Suzy Newhouse Center for the HumanitiesB.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Columbia University, Zipf, LucyVisiting Lecturer in Biological SciencesSc.B., Brown University; Ph.D., Boston University, Zitnick, DanLecturer in Middle Eastern StudiesB.A., M.A., University of Michigan, Beverly J. Layman Ph.D.Professor of English, Elizabeth Veeder M.D.Associate Physician, Health Services, David R. Ferry Ph.D.Sophie Chantal Hart Professor of English, Elizabeth V. Rock Ph.D.Nellie Zuckerman Cohen and Anne Cohen Heller Professor of Health SciencesProfessor of Chemistry, Eugene L. Cox Ph.D.Mary Jewett Gaiser Professor of History, Jeanne Darlington M.A.Instructor in Chemistry Laboratory, Ellen Hall B.A.Instructor in Biological Sciences Laboratory, Barbara Muise M.A.Instructor in Biological Sciences Laboratory, Marcia Stubbs M.A.Lecturer in EnglishDirector of the Writing Program, Katherine Allston Geffcken Ph.D.Professor of Classical Studies, Elaine Smith M.A.Instructor in Chemistry Laboratory, Paul A. Cohen Ph.D.Edith Stix Wasserman Professor of Asian Studies and History, James Herbert Loehlin Ph.D.Professor of Chemistry, Mary V. Lenihan M.A.Senior Instructor in Biological Sciences Laboratory, Priscilla J. Benson Ph.D.Professor of Astronomy, Beverly A. Blazar Ph.D.Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Mary D. Coyne Ph.D.Professor of Biological Sciences, Laurel Furumoto Ph.D.Professor of Psychology, Margaret V. Merritt Ph.D.Professor of Chemistry, Alan Henry Schechter Ph.D.Professor of Political Science, Susan S. Silbey Ph.D.Professor of Sociology, Linda B. Miller Ph.D.Professor of Political Science, James F. OGorman Ph.D.Grace Slack McNeil Professor of the History of American Art, Richard William Wallace Ph.D.Professor of Art, Judith Claire Brown Ph.D.Professor of Physics, Gerds Fleurant Ph.D.Associate Professor of Music, Barbara Leah Harman Ph.D.Professor of English, Sonja E. Hicks Ph.D.Professor of Chemistry, Mary Rosenthal Lefkowitz Ph.D.Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the HumanitiesProfessor of Classical Studies, Maud H. Chaplin Ph.D.Virginia Onderdonk 29 Professor of Philosophy, Elissa Koff Ph.D.Margaret Hamm Professor of Psychology, Jing-Heng Sheng Ma Ph.D.Mayling Soong Professor of Chinese Studies, Diana Chapman Walsh Ph.D.President Emerita, Howard J. Wilcox Ph.D.Professor of Mathematics, Ann Streeter Batchelder Ed.D.Professor of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, Judith Rollins Ph.D.Professor of Africana Studies, Lorraine Elena Roses Ph.D.Professor of Spanish, Elaine Spatz-Rabinowitz M.F.A.Professor of Art, Margaret D. Thompson Ph.D.Professor of Geosciences, Mary Mennes Allen Ph.D.Jean Glasscock Professor of Biological Sciences, Jerold S. Auerbach Ph.D.Professor of History, Judith B. They have gained more than 13.5K followers as of 2023. Includes Address (16) Phone (7) Email (2) See Results. Michael Felger's sexual orientation is straight. The height of Michael is about 5 feet and 9 inches(1.75 m) and there is no information about his weight. Professor of EconomicsA.B., Harvard College; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Collins, DavidLecturer in MusicSenior Coach/Collaborative KeyboardistB.M., Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo); M.M., University of Wisconsin (Madison); Ph.D., New England Conservatory of Music, Confortini, CatiaAssociate Professor of Peace and Justice StudiesB.S., Universit degli Studi di Firenze; M.A., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., University of Southern California, Contreras, Danilo AntonioAssistant Professor of Political ScienceB.A., Georgetown University; Ph.D., University of Texas (Austin), Creef, Elena TajimaA2Professor of Womens and Gender StudiesB.A., University of California (Riverside); M.A., University of California (Santa Barbara); Ph.D., University of California (Santa Cruz), Cudjoe, Selwyn R.Professor of Africana StudiesB.A., M.A., Fordham University; Ph.D., Cornell University, Cushman, ThomasDeffenbaugh de Hoyos Carlson Professor in the Social SciencesProfessor of SociologyB.A., Saint Michaels College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia, Darling, LouiseAssociate Professor of Biological SciencesB.S., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., Rice University, DaSilva, KaylaInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.S.B.A., University of Massachusetts (Lowell), Datta, VenitaA2Professor of French and Francophone StudiesA.B., Bryn Mawr College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University, Davis, Elizabeth PierceLecturer in Environmental Studies & GeosciencesB.A., Williams College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University, Dawkins, RyanVisiting Lecturer in Political ScienceB.A., Colorado State University; M.A., Ohio State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado, de Bres, HelenaAssociate Professor of PhilosophyB.A., Victoria University; M.A., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Delacy, RichardLecturer in South Asia StudiesB.A., University of Melbourne (Australia); M.A., Monash University (Australia); M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago, Dendere, ChipoAssistant Professor of Africana StudiesB.A., Linfield College; M.A., Ph.D., Georgia State University, DeSombre, Elizabeth R.Camilla Chandler Frost Professor of Environmental StudiesB.A., Oberlin College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Deveney, ChristenJames W. and Patricia T. Poitras DS 91 Associate Professor in the Natural SciencesAssociate Professor of PsychologyB.A., M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Deyette Werkema, RachelLecturer in EconomicsB.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Diaz, Viriginia GabrielaSenior Music Performance Faculty in ViolinB.M., M.M., New England Conservatory of Music, Diesl, Alexander J.Professor of MathematicsB.A., M.A., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Dill, DawnInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.S., M.S., Smith College, Dix, Bonnie M.PERA Associate Professor of the PracticeB.S., University of Vermont; M.S., University of Tennessee (Knoxville), Doe, Nicholas K.Senior Instructor in Chemistry LaboratoryB.A., M.S., University of California (Santa Cruz); M.A., Stanford University, Dolce, Jocelyne L.Senior Instructor in Biological Sciences LaboratoryB.Sc., M.Sc., University of Rhode Island, Dougherty, CarolProfessor of Classical StudiesB.A., Stanford University; M.A., University of California (Santa Barbara); M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University, Du, HengAndrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor of ChineseB.A., Cornell University; M.A., University of Colorado at Boulder; Ph.D., Harvard University, Duprey, ThomasMusic Performance Faculty in Jazz and Classical TrumpetB.M., Crane School of Music; M.M., New England Conservatory, Eldrett, ChristopherVisiting Lecturer in SpanishB.A., Northern Arizona University; M.A., University of Washington (Seattle Campus); Ph.D., Boston University, Elkins, Sharon K.Professor of ReligionB.A., Stetson University; M.T.S., Harvard Divinity School; Ph.D., Harvard University, Ellis, BethanyDirector of Athletics and Chair of Department of Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.A., Yale University; M.Ed., Providence College, Ellison, Susan H.A1Associate Professor of AnthropologyB.A, Washington University; M.T.S., Harvard Divinity School; A.M., Ph.D., Brown University, Elmore, Donald E.Michael and Denise Kellen 68 Chair in the SciencesProfessor of ChemistryB.A., Grinnell College; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, Epsteyn, Alla L.Senior Lecturer in RussianM.A., Moscow University; Ph.D., Academy of Sciences Institute of World History (Russia), Fernandez, Oscar E.Class of 1966 Associate Professor of MathematicsB.A., B.S., University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Fisher, SabriyaDiana Chapman Walsh Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Linguistic SciencesB.A., Binghamton University; M.S., University of Lyon; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Fisher, PaulProfessor of American StudiesA.B., Harvard College; B.A., M.A., Trinity College (Cambridge); M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University, Fitzpatrick, LiseliLecturer in Africana StudiesB.A., M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State University, Flynn, Nolan T.Associate Professor of ChemistryB.A., St. Olaf College; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Fontijn, ClaireAPhyllis Henderson Carey Professor of MusicB.A., Oberlin College; Certificate, the Royal Conservatory of The Hague; M.A., Ph.D., Duke University, Frade, KatelynInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.S., Wheelock College, Freas, DebraVisiting Lecturer in Classical StudiesB.A., University of Texas (Austin); Ph.D., University of California (Irvine), Freed, RitaVisiting Lecturer in ArtB.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University, Friedman, Alice T.Grace Slack McNeil Professor of American ArtProfessor of ArtA.B., Radcliffe College; M.Phil., University of London; Ph.D., Harvard University, Fuller, Ky Instructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.A., Wellesley College, Ganne-Schiermeier, Marie-CcileLecturer in French and Francophone StudiesM.A., Ph.D., Boston University, Garcia Coppersmith, JeannetteVisiting Lecturer in EducationB.A., University of California (Berkeley); M.Ed., Harvard University, Gartner, Corinne A.A1Associate Professor of PhilosophyB.A., M.A., Stanford University; Ph.D., Princeton University, Geller, BarbaraProfessor of ReligionA.B., Princeton University; M.A., Ph.D., Duke University, Giersch, C. PatEdith Stix Wasserman Professor in Asian StudiesProfessor of HistoryB.A., Dartmouth College; Ph.D., Yale University, Gifford, BethInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.S., Northeastern University, Gilbert, Kathleen W.Instructor in Geosciences LaboratoryB.A., Smith College; M.S., University of Miami, Giles, TylerAssistant Professor of EconomicsB.S., Mount St. Marys University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, Gilhuly, Catherine KeaneProfessor of Classical StudiesB.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Gleason, Tracy R.Professor of PsychologyA.B., Dartmouth College; Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Gobes, Sharon M. H.A2Associate Professor of NeuroscienceB.Sc., M.Sc., Leiden University; Ph.D., Utrecht (The Netherlands), Goddard, StacieBetty Freyhof Johnson 44 Professor of Political SciencePaula Phillips Bernstein 58 Faculty Director of the Albright Institute for Global AffairsA.B., University of Chicago; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University, Goldschmitt, KalebAssociate Professor of MusicB.A., University of California (Los Angeles); M.A., University of California (San Diego); Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles), Gonzlez, Octavio R.Associate Professor of EnglishB.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University, Goree, RobertAssociate Professor of JapaneseB.A., Westmont College; M.A., Columbia University; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University, Goss, JohnAssociate Professor of Biological SciencesB.S., Rhodes College; M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University, Graham, LisaEvelyn Barry Director of the Choral ProgramSenior Lecturer in MusicB.A., Sonoma State College; M.M., D.M.A., University of Southern California, Grande, CoriInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, Grandjean, KatherineA1Associate Professor of HistoryB.A., Yale University; Ph.D., Harvard University, Grattan, LauraJane Bishop 51 Associate Professor of Political ScienceB.A., College of William and Mary; M.A., Ph.D., Duke University, Gray, RhondaInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, Greenblatt, RichMusic Performance Faculty in VibraphoneB.M., Manhattan School of Music; M.M., University of Massachusetts (Lowell), Greene, Nikki A.Associate Professor of ArtB.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Delaware, Greer, Brenna W.A2Associate Professor of HistoryB.A., Beloit College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison), Grevet Delcourt, Catherine R.Assistant Professor of Computer ScienceB.A., Wellesley College; M.S., Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, Griffith, AldenAAssociate Professor of Environmental StudiesB.A., Wesleyan University; Ph.D., University of California (Santa Cruz), Grote, SimonAssociate Professor of HistoryA.B., Harvard University; M.Phil., Cambridge University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Gunther, Scott E.Professor of French and Francophone StudiesB.A., Cornell University; D.E.A., Ecole Normale Superieure & Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales; J.D., Ph.D., New York University, Gutierrez, NicholausAssistant Professor of Cinema & Media StudiesB.A., College of William & Mary; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), Gutirrez, JuliaVisiting Lecturer in Womens & Gender StudiesB.A., Northeastern Illinois University; M.A., University of Wisconsin (Madison), Guauskyt, EvelinaAssociate Professor of SpanishB.A., Middlebury College; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University, Gyenge, Andrea Visiting Lecturer in Cinema & Media StudiesB.A., Trent University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Hagimoto, KoichiA1Associate Professor of SpanishB.A., Soka University of America; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Hajj, Nadya S.Whitehead Associate Professor of Critical ThoughtAssociate Professor of Peace & Justice StudiesB.A., University of Virginia; M.A., Ph.D., Emory University, Hall, Katherine L.Distinguished Senior Lecturer in PhysicsB.A., Wellesley College; M.S., Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hall, Mona LambrachtSenior Instructor in Chemistry LaboratoryB.A., Russell Sage College; Ph.D., Tufts University, Hall, Nancy AbrahamSenior Lecturer in SpanishB.A., Smith College; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Hamilton, MarkMusic Performance Faculty in Trombone and Jazz TromboneB.M., University of Delaware; M.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music, Hampton, Neal LouisConductor, Brandeis-Wellesley OrchestraB.M., Eastman School of Music; M.M., Boston University, Hans, Anjeana K.Associate Professor of German StudiesA.B., M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University, Harrison, EmilyLecturer in Womens & Gender StudiesB.A., Harvard College; M.S., Harvard School of Public Health; Ph.D., Harvard University, Hawes, Kenneth S.A1Senior Lecturer in EducationB.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ed.M., Ed.D., Harvard University, Hayes, LiamVisiting Lecturer in Political ScienceB.A., Northern Kentucky University; M.A., Ph.D., Georgia State University, Henry, Mark S.Senior Music Performance Faculty in Double Bass and Electric BassB.M., Berklee College of Music; M.M., University of Massachusetts (Lowell), Herbst, JeanSenior Instructor in Computer Science LaboratoryB.S., University of Wisconsin (Madison); M.S., University of Rhode Island, Hertz, RosannaClass of 1919 50th Reunion Professor of Sociology and Womens and Gender StudiesB.A., Brandeis University; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University, Hickey, AlisonAssociate Professor of EnglishA.B., Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale University, Hida-Battaglia, KyokoMusic Instructor in OboeB.M., Tokyo College of Music; M.M., New England Conservatory of Music, Hilt, EricProfessor of EconomicsA.B., Occidental College; M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University, Hirschhorn, Philip StevenProfessor of MathematicsB.S., Brooklyn College of City University of New York; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hodge, Thomas PeterProfessor of RussianB.A., Pomona College; M.A., Oxford University; A.M., Ph.D., Stanford University, Hodgkinson, RandallSenior Music Performance Faculty in PianoB.M., M.M., New England Conservatory of Music, Hoffmann, Russell A.Music Performance Faculty in Jazz PianoB.M., University of Texas; M.Ed., Cambridge College, Holmes, LaurenNewhouse Visiting Professor of Creative WritingB.A., Wellesley College; M.F.A., Hunter College, Hong, SooProfessor of EducationB.A., M.T., University of Virginia; Ed.D., Harvard University, Hopkins, BritainMellon Postdoctoral Fellow in SociologyB.A., Barnard College; M.Phil., Ph.D., University of Oxford, Horowitz, SarahVisiting Lecturer in ArtB.A., Marlboro College; M.A., University of Massachusetts (Amherst), Howland, Janie E.Senior Lecturer in Theatre StudiesB.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.F.A., Brandeis University, Hu, YueProfessor of PhysicsB.S., Beijing University; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University, Huang, AdrianInstructor in Chemistry LaboratoryB.A., Xiantang University; Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles), Huhn, FranziskaMusic Performance Faculty in HarpB.M., Boston University; M.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music, Hwang, Eun Ha Visiting Lecturer in KoreanB.A., Inha University; M.A., Yonsei University; M.A., Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Yonsei University, Igrejas, Antonio M.A.Lecturer in PortugueseB.A., University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth); M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts (Amherst), Imber, Jonathan B.Jean Glasscock Professor of SociologyB.A., Brandeis University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Jain, ShefaliInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.S., Yale University, Jarrard, EricVisiting Lecturer in ReligionB.A., Virginia Commonwealth University; M.T.S., Emory University; Th.D., Harvard University, Jeffries, MichaelClass of 1949 Chair in EthicsProfessor of American StudiesDean of Academic AffairsA.B., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Jennings, PhilipPERA Assistant Professor of the PracticeB.A., Hamilton College; M.Ed., The College of New Jersey, Jeppesen, LauraSenior Music Performance Faculty in Viola da GambaB.A., Wheaton College; M.M., Yale University, Johnson, AltheaInstructor in Physical Education, Recreation and AthleticsB.S., Abilene Christian University, Johnson, JeannineSenior Lecturer in the Writing ProgramB.A., Haverford College; Ph.D., Yale University, Johnson, Jenny OliviaAssociate Professor of MusicB.A., Barnard College; M.M., Manhattan School of Music; Ph.D., New York University, Johnson, Paula A. PresidentProfessor of Womens Health StudiesB.A., Harvard Radcliffe Colleges; M.P.H., Harvard School of Public Health; M.D., Harvard Medical School, Johnson, DougCoach/Collaborative Keyboardist in MusicB.M., Michigan State University; M.M., New England Conservatory of Music, Johnson, EricaMusic Instructor in Organ and Harpsichord and College OrganistB.M., Oberlin College and Oberlin Conservatory of Music; M.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music; D.M.A., Eastman School of Music, Jones, Kristina NioviDirector, Wellesley College Botanic GardensAdjunct Assistant Professor of Biological SciencesB.S., Stanford University; Ph.D., University of California, Joseph, William A.A2Professor of Political ScienceB.A., Cornell University; M.A., Ph.D., Stanford University, Joseph, Anny-ClaudeAssistant Professor of MathematicsB.S., M.S., Stephen F Austin State University; M.S., Southern Methodist University; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University, Joskowicz, ClaudiaAssistant Professor of ArtB.A., University of Houston; M.F.A., New York University, Joyce, Joseph P.A1M. ) phone ( 7 ) Email ( 2 ) See results MA Wellesley Hills Profile Not the right Felger! & # x27 ; s Top 500 this person Michael a Felger is a resident Wellesley! 51K $ 60k this cell phone is +1 781 489 5264 Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and updates! 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