simparica trio for dogs side effectstaylor farms employees

Hi, my dog is having these same issues right now and Im dying. I feel its from the Simperica trio and will not give it to them ever again. The neurologist I went to would not give him steroids until I did the spinal tap and MRI. I wish I would have seen this conversation before giving my 8 year old Labrador Retriever his first dose of Simparica Trio on Wednesday March 31st! Our two year old dog took the same thing and thank god she has no symptoms. That was when I lived in Fort Lauderdale. The most common side effects of Simparica in dogs are vomiting and diarrhea. I had to put him laundry room for the night (no Carpet). The personality change is what has me most concerned too. Was checking out before using . I switched all three of my dogs to simparica trio and ironically my one that is a simi feral h/w+ hound disappeared. Simparica has caused my 12 pound 5 year old Jack Russel Terrior mix to have leg tremors and have trouble walking, jumping, or running. Gave our Bloodhound Simparico Trip on Tuesday on Thursday he got extremely thirsty and was peeing everywhere from drinking so much water. If I still lived in the city, I would probably use the garlic because the previous GS never had any issues and lived a long time. Sarolaner, one of the ingredients in SIMPARICA TRIO, is a member of the isoxazoline class. He looked like he was having spasms. Just gave 3yr old OES first dose yesterday (her half sister got one too) and today she has uncontrolled urination. I gave my 10 pound, 6 month old very healthy cockapoo this pill 11 am today by 1 pm she was very lethargic shaking, bobbing and weaving, drooling. We are experiencing the same thing. What should I do? However, the product has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. Simparica, NexGard, Bravecto & Credelio may not increase the number of seizures, but the risk is real. He is my first dog, he is 5yrs old now, and this is all new. I was reading that this drug enters the bloodstream quickly after giving it, and these symptoms and all the other reports have convinced me that I'm done using this on my pup. Ekko then started having seizures in May,June and July. She is now 2 1/2 months post event. I feel like she's been an experiment to make others money. Simparica Trio contains two additional active ingredients, moxidectin and pyrantel. It has been stated that only in rare cases, Simparica may cause abnormal neurological signs such as tremors, ataxia or seizures. Strictly natural with zero side effects from now on. I called the vet and she gave me anitdiarrhea medicine. I just gave my Matty her first dose. 38 results for "simparica trio for dogs" RESULTS. Hoping for a good outcome!!! I'll continue to watch her. I gave my 5m old pup this drug - she collapsed in the evening and was unable to walk. This is just another reason to follow your vet's recommendations for annual physical exams and tests. I called the breeder, and she said some vaccines and heartworm meds can cause neurological issues. She also started with ear infections. Pyrantel pamoate is a nematocide (kills some worms) belonging to the tetrahydropyrimidine class. Benefits: Each tablet provides a full month of protection against fleas and ticks. It seems to be clearing up with Rx eye drops. Heartworm medicine alone should be ok. Oh my god I'm so glad I found this group. Hi Laura, How is you pup doing one after getting off simparica? before i even gave to my dog small doxie i asked the vet about it and they assured me it was safe since she was and i say was a healthy dog. Duke is 7 month boxer And we have the simpatica on Monday and cant believe this stools Hopefully it doesnt last long. He slowly recovered over 3 weeks until he is just now starting to return to normal activity level. I gave my dog his first dose the first week of April. Circumstances changed and moved to a semi rural area in Florida surrounded by lots of woods. Its a horrible product and our puppy experienced a horrible reaction that eventually in a very short time took a young vibrant active very intelligent pups life in a horrible way - our Frazier would have turned 8 this past Memorial Day and we miss him everyday, I should have clarified Frazier was walking in circles because the siezures blinded him - our other puppy Watson has since only used next guard and heart guard without any further incidents but along with us showed signs of compassion during Fraziers last days and grief towards the loss of his brother Frazier. The prescription-only chewable tablet is given once a month to dogs and puppies eight weeks and older. It is the most convenient flea and tick protection product on the market. If only one percent of dogs have reaction to these drugs and 100,000 pups are given the drugs, think how many that would be that are either killed or made unable to function. By Tuesday evening symptoms came back worse. She is scared of her own shadow, walks into things at times, trips and stumbles, has become very timid, stares at the wall and has to have either me or my husband in sight at all times. He has been very lethargic and usually super active, jumping and chasing balls. Vet said "cant be Simparica because he had 9 days ago". Within 24 hours, he would not leave my bedroom, slept all day, no appetite. Two months no flare up no more scabs and loosing hair. And since then has had diarrhea and loose poop. We have had to put a donut around his neck to keep him from causing more open sores and possibly infection. There is a possibility it isn't the cause, but it is the only reason I can find and it aligns with the stories of others. He is very friendly with other people and pets and never had an issue in that regard. I feel so bad ,my 8weeks cockerspaniel hasnt been the same 24 hours of giving first dose of Simparica trio.My boy has been distressed with lethargic conditions,sleepy and peeing . Never happened before. That is the only thing that has changed in her routine. The flavored, chewable tablets were consumed . The vet and company are in consultation. Something I will never know what happened to herIf I knew this would kill her I would never had used it. Now his tail looks like a rat tail. My Lab mix has had 2 doses of this med. Your vet should be able to answer any questions related to side effects, precautions, or special care for your dog. the first puppy was still born looks to have died younger .my assumption when I gave lola that pill.she lost 1 puppy .the second baby is doing okay.although the vet said watch for neurological problems and GI problems. No running or jumping, Continuously wandering around the fence line of the back yard. It should be given to your dog once a month and comes in a liver flavor and dogs will likely enjoy the taste. Any response from the company? These products are approved for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations, and the treatment and control of tick infestations. We may also give additional medications to keep fleas, ticks, and common intestinal parasites away. We are already close to $2000 in Vet bills not counting the poison we bought her. Simparica Trio is a veterinary medicine used to treat dogs with flea or tick infestations and roundworm or hookworm infections in the gut. Vets at Petsmart should know better; changing vets. Thankfully there have been no other side effects. My poor puppy has to go under anesthesia on top of. I have given him bottle water but I don't think it is making it into him any longer. I give my dogs Simparica at the beginning of each month. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. We think that the drug is the cause of the seizures . she has shaking off and on . They may not be ready to beat you in a game of chess, but these brainy dogs are easy to train and generally eager to please you. Now I have to pay $100's of dollars on meds to check her antibody and possibly put her on meds for life . They had been given the two pills separately from the breeder but my vet recommended this all in one. He is a 6 month old Bloodhound so they are always hyper. In about 3-4 days he threw up clear liquid, then went into spells where he coughed so hard it sounded like he was barking and screaming at the same time. org to have this poison recalled. About 2 weeks later he had tremors, drooling, lethargic, uncoordinated, vomiting and was touch and go for a couple days. On her 3rd round of antibiotics (each a different kind) and completing prednisone. Sadly and heartbroken I report a follow up that our healthy very active 7 yr old blue tick beagle did not make it - Frazier took his last breath on February 25 2021 - he only declined the seizures continued he was fatigued all the time started losing control of his bladder - and losing his balance and walking in circles we kept hoping that once the poison was out of him he would improve but sadly he only declined I spent many nites sitting with him because the seizures were getting so bad - we tried everything but our vet tried with us but on Feb 25th our vet said that Frazier had enough and he would not recover - I did contact the company as my vet recommended and the worst customer service reps especially in this situation all they wanted was his vet records in a very matter of fact tone as I kindly replied in southern style - kiss my biscuits!! I am so angry, frustrated and overwhelmed at how many have posted comments here and having similar experiences. From all I have read on this junk, it likely has caused the damage as that condition doesn't just suddenly come on. My Juno has been eating and playing but she is very tired more tired than usual. I just hope he makes it to his life expectancy . Apparently many pet owners lack the critical thinking skills it takes to fully reason this out. After reading all of supporting reviews, I will never give him this again. Vet did all kinds of tests but said it couldnt be simparica. I gave it to her then I looked at the box that said never tested on pregnant dogs . This is an eye opener for me! I honestly think she had a reaction to the medication. The next day she had diarrhea. She text me asking if she ever had seizures before. No more Simperica for my dog! Poor baby has had vomiting and diarrhoea ever since. Simparica is available by prescription only, so discuss any history your dog has of seizure disorders with your veterinarian when determining the best flea and tick treatment for your pet. Omg my girl goes threw incredible itching this has lead to us takeing her to the vet because she gets infected from scratching herself to death. My vet recommended this for my puppy, he is now lethargic, has blood in stool, and can hardly stay awake. He's experiencing auto-inmune disease symptoms and we were told he is in critical condition. What scared me and caused me to start doing some more research is while drinking he stops and acts as if he has a lot of peanut butter in his mouth. How can they put something that can cause this level of damage on the market and how do vets not even tell us to monitor our pets or tell us what the risks are. Please do NOT try Simparica Trio, I went to the Vets office to pick up Dukes Revolution Heart Worm meds, and they talked me into switching to Simparica Trio, we gave Duke his first dosage on March 1st, March 2nd, he would fall down while walking, he would fall down trying to get up, he's NEVER done this before! The day after administering drug he had two incapacitating seizures. Dogs with existing heartworm infections should be treated to remove the adult heartworms before going back on this medication. I wish I would have read these comments first. Today June 1,2022 she is still having neurological problems. Simparica may also cause the following side effects: Vomiting Diarrhea Lethargy Contact your veterinarian if your dog experiences any side effects as a result of taking Simparica. I never missed a day. This spring I gave her one dose, and the tremors soon were back and much worse. SIMPARICA TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets) is a flavored, chewable tablet for administration to dogs 8 weeks of age and older. but wasnt allowed in with him. Gave my 8lb chihuahua the simparica chew last night and he has thrown up 3 times this morning with blood. I have paid about $500 - $600 to heal the little King, but it's not working. Not to worry you, and I hope yours is different outcome! Company asked us to do diagnostic testing at vet. Simparica can cause ataxia, which is the official name for loss of body control. Today, he wouldn't eat or drink any water. So no Addisions. Reading all these similar cases cant figure out how the hell this crap is still being prescribed. What are the side effects of Simparica Trio for Dogs? She gave her a shot to keep her from throwing up and took her x-rays and told me to come back the next day if she wasn't better. I thought maybe it was just a allergy break out which she's never had this long now I'm wondering if she's continuing to have a reaction. At first B seemed fine. Mine passed within 24 hours of the first dose. They kindly asked that we schedule an immediate check and diagnostic testing at our local vet. Can my dog still get Lyme disease from a tick that was in him. Side effects include: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear. Today March 20 (8 week old) I get a message saying the puppy ate one of these pills that was for the bigger dog she already owned. My chihuahua was given this three weeks back, I actually requested I kept my old treatment but they assured me it was safe and good. Work up from the neurologist shows all his tests came back negative. The cost of Simparica Trio generally ranges from $2230 per dose depending on the tablet size, number of doses, and source of purchase. In clinical trials, vomiting and diarrhea were the most frequently reported adverse reactions. Two weeks after first simparica dose.parasites gone. I'm hoping the tremors will soon diminish, since she is in great shape otherwise. Linda. supply) at Really? Advised I could call Simparica for reimbursement or to report side effects. I am going to try stopping the medication for a month to see if things improve. its only been about 4 days since and its been a steady decline. Read the package insert and it does list tremors and seizures as a side effect. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear infection), pruritus (itching), polyuria (urinating more frequently), hyperactivity and polydipsia (drinking more water). Our guy is having pain and is showing arthritic symptoms. I just hope he has a turn around . This happened to our 2yr old frenchie last Friday. I'm so sorry. I'm more concerned about fleas and heartworms and Trifexis is just fine for that. I feel so dumb for taking him off of something that we had no problems with and it worked fine, just to try something new that he didn't need. Credit: Purple Collar Pet Photography / Getty, Simparica Trio for Dogs Might Be the Easiest Way to Protect Your Pup From Parasites. On May 15th 2022 when she was due her flea and tick topical I gave her the free dose instead.Before 24 hrs she started with diarrhea yellow and orange then vomiting started. First time for this adverse reaction. Are there any side effects to Simparica Trio? Use topical or a collar if you are concerned. Shes not the carefree setter she was prior to this medication. Head bobbling and hind legs unable to support her - as if she were really drunk. I gave this poison to my almost 3 year old Yorkie she is dying as I right this. I took him to the emergency hosp. (My first warning sign right there). I gave my dog his first dose today and 6 hours later he was throwing up and became frantic to get outside to eat grass. My 3 other poodles unaffected. Could the issues with my dog being iffy with the steps be from the medication? Related questions. Will this ever get better as the med wears down? He was lethargic & laying in his crate alot . Simparica contains the active ingredient sarolaner, and is available as an oral chewable tablet used to treat and prevent fleas and certain ticks in dogs. If anyone has suggestions or knows how else I can help my little guy please let me know. He isnt losing weight but really looks horrible. This medication works within the first few hours after administration to kill fleas present on your dog, and is dosed by weight, so it is important to use the correct-sized medication for your pet. They were taking Simperica for flea/tick and Heartguard to prevent heart worms. Isoxazoline products have been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including muscle tremors, ataxia, and seizures in some dogs and cats; Although most dogs and cats havent had neurologic adverse reactions, seizures may occur in animals without a prior history; Many products are available for prevention and control of flea and tick infestations. What Are Potential Simparica Trio Side Effects in Dogs? 3 months ago he began having seizures, he had one every day for a week. She's finally resting at home, but still not able to walk, run, eat, etc. Stressing out now. I cant believe how long this thread is. Bentlee has been fine for 12 + hours in the house while I was stuck at work and never a drop of anything in the house. I understand them charging for the Euthanasia and cremation but they said they would keep her for 12 hours and she was put down at around 3:00 which was 1/2 the time they agreed on.Now he will get none of the fees back that the company offered for the dogs care, and hey don't have their dog .On top of that they have 3,500.00 vet bills.Why are vets allowed to charge so much?it is more than a person.It really seems as though they don't care about the pets or the people that own them Also why is these types of flea meds still on the market and why is there no legal action available for the poor consumers.I feel like they were legally assaulted by all involved and let us not forget the poor 2 year old rescue dog who ended up having a terrible short life.How unfair. A couple of weeks later she had lost weight from not eating. She is shaking and panting heavy. Today is day three and she is a little better, with fewer episodes of tremor and more often able to walk without falling. Never had them ever and she's only 3 1/2 yrs old. I wish I would have researched this before giving it to my puppy who is only 10 weeks, he has the same symptoms . He had to be put to sleep and Im devastated. First dose was on 4/1 and 9 days later he was vomiting goop (yellow thick goo), he would drink water and vomit. . Anyone else have the same eye issues? When did you stop giving the Simparico Trio? No side effects. I put water with electrolytes by his cage & food . Thank you in advance. I lost my girl 2 days after taking Simparica. I gave simparica trio to my 10-year-old Havanese. For: Gave it to my dog on Thursday night and Sat stools were soft. My little Billy Boy had his first visit to the vet and they gave him Simparica Trio. We did a cortisone pack to help him manage his "arthritis" symptoms that I totally feel were related to the simparica. old . His temp was high and white blood cells elevated. Fortunately, no seizures but dark yellow diarrhea and puppy has been drinking water like crazy and peeing even while asleep. She was due to get the next dosage this week and i am choosing not to give it to her with the hopes that it will be out of her system and her Liver levels will go down. According to the FDA, Simparica Trio contains the following active ingredients: "Sarolaner was first approved by the FDA in 2016 to treat and control flea and tick infestations. The seizure has finally stopped and he seems to be sleeping peacefully. My 10 year old Standard Poodle had one dose of Simparica and had seizures two weeks later, which was yesterday. We will have blood work and results this evening. Now tremors started. Has there been any improvement if so how long after did it take ? My Havanese started having frequent lip licking and teeth clashing and swallowing after switching from Simparica to Simparica Trio. Topical only for me from now on. Barely eats, but is drinking lots of water. This is worth the cost to buy a six-pack of protection. It is yet too soon to state an accurate number of dogs that have been affected, but for such a young drug, the growing total of already reported adverse reactions is . Just be aware that no oral tick medicine is safe, all are from the same class of drugs. Eat grass and vomit. My two cavapoos (two months shy of turning three years old), have had three doses of simparica trio for three months now. Two additional active ingredients, moxidectin and pyrantel all in one because he had tremors, ataxia or seizures problems... Is drinking lots of woods roundworm or hookworm infections in the gut fleas,,! Cause neurological issues and heartworm meds can cause neurological issues medicine alone should able. Such as tremors, drooling, lethargic, has blood in stool, and can hardly stay.! 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simparica trio for dogs side effects