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The official line was to receive an update on climate change research. A major technological breakthrough or earth altering discovery may be attracting so much attention from the planets movers and shakers arriving in Antarctica. Virtually everything weve been told or taught by our so called education system, code word brainwash, is pure rubbish. Near the poles the crusts then thinned out to form a hole at both the northern and southern extremities. [sic]. This is a scripted 1950s rerun from a so-bad-its-funny sci fi flick. This disinfo game that saturates both mainstream and alternative media these days, especially on the Internet, has been an extremely effective deep state strategy to keep its dirty little secrets still secret, hidden or skeptically not accepted by a confused public that doesnt quite know what to believe. The prize possession on Hitlers wish list for world dominance and power was the lost civilization of Atlantis and the Holy Grail. Greer believes that the so called reptilian and grays are all black ops creations and that there are no evil ETs, citing the simple logic that if there were, their advanced superiority militarily and technologically would have destroyed humans a long time ago. They conclude that there is a sun underneath the surface of our planet. Only recently has this technology been made public in the US, although for many decades hidden from our awareness, secret black ops programs have been making steady progress and improvements in this technology. Cayce also predicted strong earthquake activity in the Western US that includes Californias San Andreas Fault and the Nevada-Utah area. Halfway along in 1987, Reagan even copped to it: I occasionally think how our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. In addition to censorship of that 1947 National Geographic article, a December 1959 Flying Saucer magazine article covering Byrds polar flights also was eliminated from circulation, not unlike censorship today with real news labeled fake news slotted for censorship. He calculated the width of the earths crust separating the surface world from the inner one to be 800 miles, corroborated by Lt. Col. Woodards more recent testimony. US Armed Forces may be in the midst of a secret war with UFOs. And if new, more factual conclusions are the result, the old, less true conventional models and theories eventually fall by the wayside. Another focused his expertise on the lost secrets of Atlantis. Among the most incredible stories in history, for good reason, its been ignored by the US government but scooped up by hollow earth aficionados as their biblical proof. Terms of Use Even a cursory examination of the real Byrds writing style and the amateurish comic book sci-fi account of the later discovered February 1947 diary plants serious doubt that the latter was written by the explorer. 29 Mar 2017 MWB sends in this from Chile, he found it on an only French site. It seems that these are planted messages being spoon-fed to mentally prepare us for another staged war of the worlds scenario, but instead of HG and Orson Wells, its a la deep states rendition. Cheers! Despite destroying evidence, the US government learned of Germanys advances militarily and the ET assistance that enabled them. These and Vance N. Woodall, who died on January 21, 1947, were the only fatalities during Operation HIGHJUMP. Deep state and especially the CIA are notorious for leaking disinformation and bogus lies, in this case intended to discredit both Admiral Byrds encounters with alien technology and the devotees of the hollow earth theory, deploying the old CIA yoke that renders them tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.. Supposedly a leaked top secret Kremlin document decided to disclose this top secret meeting of Obama asking for Putins help in establishing an earth-wide missile defense system against the pending alien invasion scheduled for the September arrival. Its been reported that after she returned from space, she took to believing that long ago ETs had colonized our planet and interbred with ancient cultures altering our DNA. Thats why the earth as well as other planets and celestial bodies in our solar system all have polar openings and hollowed out centers. [5] Paul Siple was the senior U.S. War Department representative on the expedition. Its still a dangerous place. But then thats what deep state wants cynics without belief. The poles have long been associated with being multidimensional vortex fields that act as earth entry and exit points for intergalactic spacecraft travel. The outlandish, the anomalous and the curious from the last five thousand years, ***Dedicated to KMH who, not for the first time, inspired the hunt***, The following is the record of an interview with American admiral Richard Byrd which appeared in El Mercurio, a Chilean paper, 5 March 1947: it was written by a US journalist, Lee Van Atta, but seems never to have been published in English. Well, a lot has been made of it. Havent had the time to research a good source of facts on this, but have known for some time that the entire story is clear fabrication on the part of believers and persuasive ufologists. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. The Byrd Polar Research Center on campus was named for the late explorer as a lasting memorial at the time the collection came to Ohio State. This finding may also inadvertently support an inner world. The technology at the base is purported to be years ahead of our current known level of technology. The coldest place on earth does contain small patches of land with large freshwater lakes marked by significantly warmer temperatures. Prominent founding members included the head of the SS Heinrich Himmler whose obsession with the occult was pathological. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Adm. During WWII Admiral Byrd was confidential advisor to both the Commander-in-Chief and top naval commander Admiral Ernest J. This quotation is based on a deliberately manipulated translation of what Byrd really said. We didnt know about precision flying or what we were looking at.. So in March 1957, Admiral Richard Byrd went to his grave less than eight years later still holding onto all his incredible secrets, and other than uttering his few ambiguously suggestive and poetic statements providing only glimpses of the deeper truth, explorer Byrds death was intended to be the nail in the coffin against any further hollow-earth disclosure, at least from a government insider source. But apparently the secret diary all about the hollow earth visit to Aghartha was conjured up years after Gianninis book with the probable intent to substantiate the B of A writers earlier claim. Gravity in the inner world is less than one third the outer worlds, which Billie cited as the main reason why the inner race of people are several feet taller. This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Coast Guard. La velocidad fantstica a la que el mundo se est reduciendo record el Almirante es una de las lecciones ms importantes aprendidas en su reciente exploracin antrtica. Upon his discharge, Billie has attempted to get access to his military records that would provide credibility to his spectacular claims, but the government has strictly sealed his records. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. The Amundsen Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the South Pole, the southernmost place on the Earth. A second attempt to secure the alleged relic has been connected to a stampede at a pilgrimage killing 2,000 more people. [2][10], After the operation ended, a follow-up Operation Windmill returned to the area in order to provide ground-truthing to the aerial photography of HIGHJUMP from 1947 to 1948. The Piri Reis Map shows the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica ice free. The elite is forced to reckon with earth shattering discoveries made at the bottom of the earth that will revolutionize our very reality. But in fact, while he had the titular control of the operation, the Navy really called the shots. When some of them were rescued, they were asked to walk the nine or 10 miles to shore because no airplane could land there to pick them up. The combination of centrifugal and gravity forces acting on each other to reach equilibrium determines the speed of one full 360 degree rotation. Virtually all civilizations throughout human history from ancient to modern times have independently made references to the hollow earth and its human-like inhabitants. In 1692 renowned English scientist Edmund Halley who discovered Halleys Comet and made valuable contributions in geophysics, mathematics, astronomy and meteorology proposed that the earth was hollow. Three years ago a study confirmed that a giant ocean of water lays 254 miles (410 km) deep into the mantle below the earths surface. Thanks John! Scientists are encouraged and free to come up with theories, test their hypotheses and investigate outcomes to generate empirical data that supports or doesnt support their proposed hypotheses. Lets face it, virtually everything weve been taught to be reality falls short of the honest truth, having been programmed and brainwashed from day one that prohibits any real serious or genuine inquiry, questioning or challenging of the prevailing dogmatic norm and order, thus by built-in design preventing exploration of alternative information, data and theories that may well lead to different, more accurate conclusions and outcomes. So the program was developed to jointly gain an unsurpassable military advantage while jump starting a fledgling aerospace program as well as deny Germany, the Soviet Union and the rest of the world the German brainpower. Translated, they were instructions on how to build an antigravity engine. Neither were scores of German submarines. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be, Addendum to Heisers Laws for Bible Study: 5 Minutes is a Long Time. Belanger: No U.S. naval expedition had been in Antarctica for 100 years before that, not since the [Charles] Wilkes expedition of 183842. He explains that Dr. Karl Haushofer, a former German Army general and influential political geographer, had given Ungers submarine captain Heinrich Brodda detailed instructions and maps to navigate to specific coordinates in Antarctica that enabled them to enter underground caverns that then led to the hollow earth. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Buena Park, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. John de Nugent Again when he later testified before Congress, the admiral reiterated his alarming warning: In case of a new war the US would be attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed. Earlier this week UKs conspiracy theory ridicule rag Express ran a headline that Kerry went to check out a secret UFO Nazi base from World War II. When he received flack challenging his contention of a February 1947 Byrd North Pole expedition, his retort in a letter to one of his skeptics was a flippant giveaway: This author cares not a little how you use the name, Giannini. (Of course, I usually avoid any UFO items that include the terms Nazi, Antarctica.). Both Forrestal and Byrd wanted to reveal to the outer world the truth about the interior world and the advanced extraterrestrials. Like the ban on flying near or beyond the poles, now theyve made the entire southern continent off limits. Admiral Byrd's statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. The royal couple made their royal rounds touring several Spanish research stations on the continent. Fueling the latter theory, in 2012 another strange anomaly was found on Google Earth of an odd 14.5 mile long 4.5 mile wide structure that appears to either be a monster-sized UFO lodged under the ice or a secret camouflaged research station. And thats where all this Antarctica secrecy comes in and is going. Their real agenda is to prevent us from knowing about their top-secret discoveries and further plundering for no good. By taking stock of what we do know and what we think we know, a reasonable platform of inquiry can proceed demanding answers that will shed a much needed light on this unfolding reality. And there were very few of those 4,700 who had any [polar] experience. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.. The surviving six crew members were rescued 13days later, including aviation radioman James H. Robbins and co-pilot William Kearns. Its believed that the hemisphere on the other side of this ancient inner earth may not have melted and therefore still remains intact inside our current earth. Limited to speaking only in vague lofty innuendo and unable to fully disclose what hed seen, perhaps that literally did kill him, as the American hero died less than two and a half months after his final diary entry. Ahnenerbe members sought ancient texts raiding libraries and artifacts the world over in places like Tibet and India as well as occupied Russia and Europe. According to the author, the base has since been taken over by humans. His radio announcement was never followed up in the press because the government obviously suppressed any further publicity covering his wondrous discovery 2,300 miles beyond the Pole. Obviously from his final entry he wanted to share everything about his spectacular travels and life-changing experiences. On January 17th, 2004 Spains King Carlos and queen traveled to Antarctica on a Chilean ship. Whether the traumatic and cruel experiences written about living inside his underground base are true or not cannot be absolutely ascertained. And some lagniappe: a couple of years ago, I posted a short introduction to the topic of Die Glocke, which you might find to be an interesting piece of strange history: The link below leads to what could be the most comprehensive work on Nazi Antarctic myth and legend. And as much as NASA consistently tries to black out the hole, obscure or remove it from public access and awareness, hundreds of pictures and videos are out there that clearly show the polar opening. The article by Lee van Atta entitled "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles" had been sent from "On Board Mount Olympus on the High Seas". Additionally, recent scientists believe the lost city of Atlantis could lie under the continental ice shelf. Admiral Byrd's 'Diary'. While during his well-documented Operation Highjump, the admiral was getting his ass kicked by aliens or Nazis equipped with alien technology at the South Pole in February 1947, at the other end of the earths North Pole, according to Byrds secret diary, he was also entering the magical alien world of Aghartha for a sobering sit-down chat with the advanced civilizations Master, warning him that if humans continue their evil warlike ways, doom and gloom awaits. Siple was the same Eagle Scout who accompanied Byrd on the previous Byrd Antarctic expeditions. Rather than eradicating disease, the elite engages in suppression of cancer cures feeding a corrupt, Rockefeller-controlled Big Pharma-healthcare monopoly, poisoning us through mandatory killer vaccines, fluoride in our water, heavy metal aerosols in our air, soil, water, lungs and brains, while maintaining a nonstop policy of war exclusively to benefit the military industrial security prison complex profiteers who loathe us and want us dead or dying, all the while deploying a 24/7 mind control propaganda machine, feeding an insatiable greed that guarantees maximum absolute power, authority and control over the global masses. He was privy to all the secret cover-ups of the federal government from the UFO phenomenon to the secrecy of the US, Nazi and alien space technology. Debo advertir a mis compatriotas que termin aquel tiempo en el que podamos refugiarnos en nuestro aislamiento y confiar en la certeza de que las distancias, los ocanos, y los polos eran una garanta de seguridad. A former Russian navy officer and UFO researcher states that 50% of UFO encounters report the spacecraft emerged from ocean waters and 15% from lakes. All these latest scientific breakthroughs in science inadvertently support an inner world. As a 1912 US Naval Academy graduate, understanding the importance of future air travel, Richard Byrd opted to become a naval aviator in 1917. A growing body of supportive evidence is frequently discovered on Google Earth, such as the large open entrances to a subterranean world with saucershaped figures lodged in ice. Something big is going on down in Antarctica or presidents, deep state emissaries, religious leaders, royalty, and legendary astronauts would not be attending. T. Tompkins documented his involvement in the US Navy Secret Space Program in a book published a year ago entitled Selected by Extraterrestrials. This is NASAs sneaky way of delivering half-truths while willfully withholding the other far more revealing half-truth that it too like the earth also has polar openings. All these maps featuring a pre-glacial Antarctica closely approximate the modern map of the continent minus its current layer of ice, strongly pointing to evidence that humans once inhabited this region in a hospitable climate. Politically, the orders were that the Navy should do all it could to establish a basis for a [land] claim in Antarctica. On January 1, 1947, Lieutenant Commander Thompson and Chief Petty Officer John Marion Dickison [4] utilized "Jack Browne" masks and DESCO oxygen rebreathers to log the first dive by Americans under the Antarctic. In September 1939 Germany made its third New Swabia expedition to Antarctica succeeding its previous research venture from December 1938 to April 1939, staking out the Third Reichs territorial claim in the Queen Maud Land area. So let the wisdom of truth and justice be our faithful guide to peace, safety and salvation. The Chilean newspaper El Mercurio ran a March 5th, 1947 article stating: Adm. Throughout the war a steady flow of German sea traffic that included the specially equipped research vessel the Swabia and a fleet of U-530 submarines and other U-boats transported both essential supplies and key personnel to their prized South Atlantic destination. The key to earths past, present and future all intersect on the fifth largest continent the size of the United States. So much for diversionary rabbit holes designed to lead us to nowhere but disbelief. The Vril society founded in 1918 sought occult knowledge. On February 5th, 1956 several weeks after his highly anticipated journey, Byrd announced on the radio to American media back home: On January 13th, members of the United States expedition accomplished a flight of 2,700 miles from the base at McMurdo Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles beyond the Pole. Control of the SS Heinrich Himmler whose obsession with the occult was pathological touring several Spanish research on... Rabbit holes designed to lead US to nowhere but disbelief by US authorities to earths past, present future. Attracting so much attention from the planets movers and shakers arriving admiral byrd chilean newspaper Antarctica. ) Mar 2017 MWB sends this. Under the continental ice shelf to a stampede at a pilgrimage killing 2,000 people... Secret Space Program in a book published a year ago entitled Selected by extraterrestrials base has been. 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admiral byrd chilean newspaper